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Sky Test: Set Background

I am very fortunate in not only having a strain of Feist squirrel dogs that has given me years of pleasure hunting with but having a wife that loves the outdoors and hunting. I tease her about this hunt. She fired 7 shots to get her limit of 6, she counters, big guy you only got 1. LOL.

_________________ LETS SHOOT A FEW _________________

This is hunt was in late October 2004 with Nathan Slone. We treed over 40 squirrels this day. We bagged our limit of twelve and continued hunting with the dogs giving the young dogs we had some experience. In the pic is Clay and Velvet. Even though old Velvet is 9 years old this was her day. She dominated this hunt with Clay coming in second.

This is IB Richie on his first squirrel dog hunt onboard a 4 wheeler here in East Ky. 2004

_______________ LETS SHOOT MORE _______________

_______ This IB and me after his first ATV hunt _______

This is Cleve Stephens holding Buckleys Lucy after a nice East Ky. hunt 2004.

_______________________ Lets Not Stop Shooting YET _______________________

This is Cleve Stephens and me with dogs Clay and Velvet after another good ATV hunt 2004.

______________________ NOT OUT OF SHELLS YET ______________________

This is Brownie. She is a pup out of Little Red & Clay. This hunt was on 2-05-05. We treed five, I got one and the dog caught two on the ground.

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