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Squirrel dogs hunting 2005-06

This is Diral Adkins and his 6 month old pup out of Lucy & Clay getting a little fur in his mouth.

This is my son John Mark and grand son Tyler on his first squirrel hunt. The pup is Dot.

This is old Velvet 9 years old and still doing a great job on the tree.

This is patch she is a yearling here and caught this big boar fox squirrel on the ground and it hadn't been shot at. She is really a speedster.

This is Lucys 2nd hunt after her pups were born. They are two weeks old now.

This is IB Riche and his Copper dog retrieving a squirrel.

This after the hunt. Copper is out of my Meme and Clay dogs.

This Is IB Richie and Little Red after retrieving him a squirrel. She is 9 years old here and still tough to walk behind.

This is Clay and his new vest after another good hunt

This is little red at 9 years old with 12 squirrels on this hunt.

This is Brownies first hunt since she had her pups two weeks ago. First time out in a month.

Here is Lucy on a hunt the day before Thanksgiving. Treed 33, saw 31 and skinned 17. Lucy has pups on her that are 5 weeks old now.

Brownie retrieving a squirrel to Linda after shooting it with her 22. Dot is in the back ground

Yes, this is Clay and me after a 3 hour hunt. The dogs treed twenty and we saw eight and bagged five.

This is DOT. She is seven months old. Took her alone with my 3-year-old dog Lucy for an hours hunt this morning. Lucy treed eight and I saw 6 of them but only got three. I tied Lucy up and was shooting to wound for the pup. LOL she had a time chasing them wounded squirrels. A couple got away but some she caught and some she re-treed them and I shot them back out to her. She retrieved all of these back to me. I love working with pups that show interest.

Below is IB Ritchie holding Lucy & Copper with our two-man limit we got today 12-01-05. These two dogs are three years old and full bro & sis. IB got Copper from me as gift when he was 6 weeks old and says he pleases him better than any dog he ever owned. These tow little Feist put on a clinic treeing today. Copper treed the first one out of the box and as we started to him Lucy split of to our right and treed. Both these dogs had two separate squirrels treed in less than 30 sec after dropping them. We go to Coppers tree first and it was hp a little hickory and IB knocked him off and like clock work Copper retrieved it to his waiting hand. We go to Lucy�s tree and it was in the bottom of another little hickory but in a split. IB wanted to catch it but recommended us to move on and get the ones on the outside. It wasn�t any time Lucy was treed again and this time Copper backed her. It was like this the hole hunt. They would tree together and then split tree. We had a couple other dogs with us but these were competing and complementing each other so much we mostly just hunted them. Anyway we ended up treeing 26, killed 12 and saw 5 more that we didn�t get. IB and me added up how many we killed from this one area and it is a whopping 96 squirrels. And there seems to still be plenty there.

This is Robbie Noble with lucy & Brownie with 9 squirrels we got 12-3-05

Below is our daughter Emily on her first squirrel kill hunt with our pup DOT. Em is 5 years old and DOT is 8 months. DOT chased three up the tree and barked her head off.

Below is Brownie on a cold hunt it was 17 when we headed out today for a evening hunt. We got 9 and let 4 get away. Not sure how many we treed today. It was too cold to keep count.

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