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Sky Test: Set Background

These dogs are long gone but not forgotten and most all of them are in the pedigrees of the dogs I hunt today.

This is my DAD and ole ABE a 1/2 FIEST & 1/2 ELKHOUND CROSS out of my ole Feist PAL. This Pic was taken in the early 80's

This is my mom and old Abe and mess of squirrel her and dad got with him. Abe was out my old Pal and a full stock Elk Hound. He was danndy squirrel dog with one of the best tree to kill ratio,s i ever hunted with. We neve used Abe or any Elk Hounds to breed our females.

This is one of my old hunting buddies Jeff Newsome with a mess of squirrel to cleam. This pic was taken on Slate Creed I bath Co. Ky. In the early 80's

This next pic is of my first cousin the late Johnny Robinson and old Skeet. If you notice Johnny posing for the pic and old Skeet with one foot up on the tree behind him, there is a reason forr this. If you guessed antother squirrel up that tree you are correct.

This next pic is old Scottie & me with a lot less pounds. He was raised and trained by the late Clifford Justice. He was out of Cliffords old Bob dog. Scottie was given to me by Cliffords mom after his death. He was real squirrel dog.


Pleasure dogs

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