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Sky Test: Set Background

Time to Skin a Few Bushytails

Above is Wetzel's Slick dog. Slick Is A litter Mate to my Red heads Little Red & Velvet and a triple great grandson to the dog Skeet below. I Plan on breeding one of Clays and Meme's pups back to him in the spring of 2005.

Above was to be Skeets & my last hunt together. We got 14 from the old fellow this last day of season in Dec. He died three months later in April. If he would have amde it to June he would have been 14.

Above is My Dad getting a squirrel from ole Pal. Abe is watching onas a pup.

Lucky was a pup from old Skeet and a fine squirrel dog herself. I trained her and then let a friend have her. He kept her until she was 9 years old only hunting her once. My son John Mark finally got her back and this was her second hunt in 8 years.


Old Skeet

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