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Sky Test: Set Background

Above is a hunt I went on with Tim Robinson. We were hunting in Morgan Co. on a farm Tim deer hunts on. We were hunting in the evening with little Red and Velvet, which are litter mate sisters and are now 9 years old and still doing a pretty good job on treeing squirrels. Velvet and Little Red were both early starters and natural retrievers before they were 6 months old. I have a video tape hunting them separate when they were only a year old and killing a pile of squirrels with each of them.

Above we have the 4 wheeler loaded on the trailer with pet taxis mounted on. This is the way we hunt 90% of the time. Who says we can't hunt a Fiest hard ?

Above is Velvet treeing. She had been treed for a couple of hours and was sitting down on her rearend barking ever breath. Below is a pic of Sarge (white) and Clay treeing. I have Clay out in the Kennel and have Sarge loaned out to a friend who says he is doing a good job.

Kid Hunting

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