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Nicknames: Clarityn, Clarey-Fairy, Lara, Little Lady and Little One
Favourite Food: Shepards Pie, Chocolate and Ice Cream
Favourite Drink (non alcoholic): Orange Juice
Favourite Drink (alcoholic): Malibu
Prized Possession: Photos and random stuff she took from places (e.g.parties) that bring back memories
Favourite Place: At home in bed or anywhere outside that's hot and sunny
Favourite Past Time: Partying
Favourite Colour: Purple
Favourite Song: InMe: Faster the Chase, InMe: Deep Regret, NSync: I Will Never Stop, Darren Hayes: Insatiable
Favourite Film: Lord of the Rings trilogy, Matrix trilogy and Scream trilogy
Favourite Quote: "Hey, watch the fucking alien" "He was in a movie called stab, he was stabbed" "Yeah baby" "Yo Biatch!"
Special Talent: Putting up with a room full of boys in the smelly school!