The Main Registry

Here are all horses registered with the main registry.

Lorien's Horses
Milton, Stallion, 17.1, 11, Irish Sport Horse, Dark Dapple Grey, Show Jumping
Shadowfax, Stallion, 15, 10, Egyptain Arabian, Light Grey, Eventing/Dressage
Gilmi, Stallion, 16.3, 7, Irish Sport Horse/Throughbred, Dark Grey w/ Snip & 4 socks, Everything
The Final Frontier, Stallion, 16, 9, Dutch Warmblood, Chestnut with Star/stripe/snip, Everything
Hansel Solo, Stallion, 16.1, 6, Dutch WB/Trekehner, Dun w/ Dorsel strip & Zebra stripes on all 4 legs, Eventing
Mythic Hero, Stallion, 17.1, 13, Trekehner, Bay, Everything
Faramir, Stallion, 16.2, 6, Trekehner, Dun w/Dorsel strip & Zebra stripes on all 4 legs, Everything
King Eomer, Stallion, 16.3, 10, Trekehner, Black, Everything
Don't let the Blood Shed, Stallion, 16.3, 9, Akhala-Teke, Blood Bay, Eventing
Usual Suspect, Stallion, 16.3, 6, Bavarian Warmblood, Bay w/ Blaze & rt hind sock with ermines, Dressage
Desert Cruiser, Stallion, 16, 6, Arabian Sport Horse, Dark Bay with star & right hind sock, Eventing
Boromir, Stallion, 16.1, 7, Appendix QH, Chestnut with Star/stripe/snip, Eventing
Music Man, Stallion, 17, 6, Oldenburg, Bay w/star/blaze/snip/lip & 4 "knee" high stockings, Eventing
Catylst, Stallion, 16.3, 6, Trekehner, Bay w/Star & 4 socks, Eventing
Characteristics, Stallion, 16.1, 6, Hanoverian, Bay w/ Star & lft hind sock, Eventing
Suulime, Stallion, 16.3, 6, Swedish WB, Bay w/lft hind sock, Eventing
Kermie, Stallion, 14, 8, New Forest(Pony), Liver Chestnut w/ Flaxen Mane & tail, Everything
Kountin Crows, Stallion, 17.3, 6, Dutch Warmblood, Palomino Tobiano, Eventing
Wai, Stallion, 16, 6, Selle Francais/Thourghbred , Dapple Grey, Everything
Tango Selune, Stallion, 16.3, 8, Selle Francais, Mahogany Bay w/3 socks and a Blaze, Everything
Read My Lips, Stallion, 16.2, 6, Hanoverian, Chestnut w/Blaze and 3 socks(2 hind, &left fore), Everything
Black Image, Stallion, 17, 6, Hanoverian, Black, Everything
Lyrico, Stallion, 16.3, 6, Thoroughbred, Black, Everything
In The Mood, Stallion, 17.1, 12, Canadian Warmblood, Storm Dapple Grey, Everything
Suvivor III, Stallion, 16.2, 12, South African WB, Bay with big snip, Dressage/Jumping
Marc Antony, Stallion, 15, 8, Connemera, Dun w/Dorsel stripe & Snip, Everything
Cheetah, Stallion, 16.2, 9, South African WB, Black, Eventing
Swazi, Stallion, 16.2, 10, South African WB, Dark Bay with Star/Snip & rt hind sock, Eventing
Fire In My Heart, Stallion, 16.2, 8, Westphalian, Liver Chestnut with Blaze & 4 socks, Everything
Constantly Cruisin', Stallion, 16.3, 12, Selle Francais, Bay w/star, Eventing/Jumpers
Sunshine Mystery, Stallion, 16.2, 6, Selle Francais, Bay w/snip, Eventing/Jumpers
Mr. Perfect, Stallion, 16.1, 10, Danish WB, Bay w/stripe, Dressage/Eventing
Freedom's Frolic, Stallion, 16.3, 6, British WB, Chestnut w/ snip, Dressage/Eventing
Gimme a' Break, Stallion, 15.2, 6, British WB, Chestnut w/ star, Show Jumping
Golden Day, Stallion, 16, 10, Belgian WB, Bay w/star, Dressage
Morning Star, Stallion, 14.3, 7, Dutch WB, Bay w/Star, Dressage
Artistic Night, Stallion, 17, 9, Swedish WB, Bay w/snip, Eventing
Mr. Andi, Stallion, 16.2, 8, Danish WB, Bay w/star, Eventing
Whata Coinidence, Stallion, 16.1, 8, Selle Francais, Black, Eventing
FFP Night Odyssey, Stallion, 16.3, 9, Canadian WB, Black w/ 4 socks, Everything
FFP Undercover, Stallion, 16.3, 11, Dutch WB, Dark Bay, CI**** Eventing
Icro Imp, Stallion, 16.2, 5, Swedish WB, Dark Steal Dapple Grey w/Blaze & 2 hind socks, Eventing/Jumpers
SA Golden Psyche, Stallion, 15.2, 5, Arabian, Bay, Eventing
Morwinyon (Glint in Darkness), Stallion, 16.3, 0, Candian Warmblood, Dark Dapple Gray, Everything, In the Mood X Buck Neigh Kid
My Fair Lady, Mare, 16.3, 8, Selle Francais, Black with star and 2 hind stockings, Eventing/Jumpers
Desert Rose, Mare, 15.2, 9, Polish Arabian, Bay w/star and 2 hind socks, Hunter
Elsabeth II, Mare, 16.2, 10, Thoroughbred, Dark Bay w/blaze & 4 socks w/ermines, Eventing
Milton's Rose, Mare, 16.2, 7, Irish Sport Horse/Polish Arab, Dapple Grey, Everything
Perfection, Mare, 15.3, 8, Dutch Warmblood, Bay with star and fore socks, Dressage
Buck Neigh Kid, Mare, 16.1, 9, Canadian Warmblood, Bay with blaze, Everything
Freedom Fighter, Mare, 16.3, 9, Trekehner, Light Grey, Everything
Nighty Night, Mare, 17.1, 9, South African WB, Black, Everything
Rainbeau of Joy, Mare, 16.3, 9, Swedish WB, Bay w/star & snip & 2 fore socks, Everything
Milton's Elsabeth, Mare, 16.3, 9, TB/Irish Sport Horse, Dark Dapple Grey w/ 4 stockings, Everything
Lady Rose, Mare, 16.3, 6, ISH/Polish Arab/Selle Francais, Black w/star & snip, Everything
Chloe Abdullah, Mare, 16.2, 8, Trekehner, Bay w/2 hind socks, Everything
Kaschmir, Mare, 16.2, 8, Trekehner, Bay w/2 hind socks, Everything
Lady Shadowfax, Mare, 16, 6, Arabian Sport Horse, Dark Dapple Grey w/blaze, Eventing
Lock of Love, Mare, 16, 7, Danish Warmblood, Bay w/star/stripe & 2 hind/left fore socks, Everything
Classical Woman, Mare, 16.2, 8, Selle Francais, Bay w/Stripe & 3 socks w/ermines, Show Jumping
Minas Tirith, Mare, 16, 8, Dutch WB, Chestnut w/4 socks & star, Everything
Minas Morgul, Mare, 15.3, 8, Dutch WB, chestnut w/blaze & 2 hind socks, Everything
Smart Stuff, Mare, 17.2, 7, Hanoverian, Bay, Everything
New York, Mare, 16.2, 8, Trekehner, Chestnut w/lft hind stocking and rt hind corrnet and rt fore sock & star/stripe, Everything
Crystal Clear, Mare, 16.2, 8, Westphalian, Bay w/star, Everything
Elanor the Fair, Mare, 16, 9, Irish Sport Horse, Dapple Grey, Everything
Edoras, Mare, 15.3, 6, Bavarian Warmblood, Coppery Bay, Eventing
Arwen the Fair, Mare, 16.3, 6, Trekehner, Bay w/star & 2 hind stockings, Eventing
Elegant, Mare, 14.1, 6, New Forest(Pony), Bay w/Small Star & rt hind sock, Dressage/Hunters
Evenstar, Mare, 16.3, 6, Thoroughbred, Red Chestnut w/offset star/stripe/snip, Eventing
Firm in War, Mare, 16.2, 6, Thoroughbred, Bay w/2rt corenets and lft hind corenet, Eventing
Sundra, Mare, 17, 8, Irish Warmblood, Palomino Tobiano, Show Jumping/Eventing
Lady of Imladris, Mare, 16.3, 6, Irish TB/Irish Sport Horse, Strawberry Roan, Hunter/Jumpers
Leapin Lizzy, Mare, 16.2, 6, Thoroughbred, Chestnut, Eventing
Ebony's Side, Mare, 17.1, 6, Trekehner X TB, Black with Diamond Star(Capri's sis), Eventing
Kustard Kalite, Mare, 16.1, 8, Akhal-teke, Bay, Eventing
Razzle Dazzle, Mare, 16.1, 6, Thoroughbred, Chestnut w/Stipe & 3 socks, Hunter
Life's Capri, Mare, 17.2, 6, Trekehner X TB, Dark Bay w/star & 4 socks (Ebony's sis), Eventing
Lady Kiss, Mare, 16.2, 9, Irish Sport Horse, Chestnut w/Blaze & 4 socks, Everything
Loostesse, Mare, 16.2, 6, Canadian Warmblood, Dapple Bay with Stripe/Snipe, Everything
Seere, Mare, 16, 6, Irish Sport Horse, Liver Chestnut w/Star, Everything
Phoeneicia K, Mare, 16, 6, German Warmblood, Dark Dapple Grey, Eventing
Pr St Orana, Mare, 16.3, 6, Bavarian Warmblood, Red Bay, Eventing
Waltzing with Deb, Mare, 16.2, 8, Thoroughbred, Grey, Eventing
Versailles Treaty, Mare, 16.2, 14, Thoroughbred, Black, Eventing
Georgia Peaches, Mare, 15.3, 6, Arabian, Grey, Dressage
Milton's Elanor, Mare, 16.2, 6, Irish Sport Horse, Dark Dapple Grey(black right now, will dapple out), Everything
Majestic, Mare, 17, 6, Shagy Arabian, Black, Everything
Nightengale, Mare, 16.3, 6, Hanoverian, Seal Brown, Everything
Supremely Irish, Mare, 16, 10, Irish Sport Horse, Coppery Chestnut, Everything
Cleopatra, Mare, 14.3, 6, Connemara, Light Dapple grey, Show Jumping/Hunters
Fires Burning, Mare, 16.1, 6, Westphalian, Sorrel, Show Jumping/Hunters
Lady Africa Mare, 16.2, 6, South African WB, Sorrel, Everything
Kenyan Sunset, Mare, 17, 12, South African WB, Steal Dapple Grey with black points & hind socks & blaze, Eventing
Naughty N' Nice, Mare, 16.3, 7, Hanoverian, Bay with 4 stocking and a star, Show Jumper
Whispering Willows, Mare, 16.2, 8, Selle Francaise, Dark Bay with Snip, Show Jumper
Artistic Song, Mare, 16.3, 10, Swedish WB, Bay with Star/stripe & 2 hind socks, Show Jumper
Pay me In Gold, Mare, 15.3, 9, British WB, Chestnut with star, Show Jumping/Hunters
Starry Night, Mare, 16, 10, Swedish WB, Dark Blood Bay, Show Jumper
Gusty Winds, Mare, 16.3, 14, Dutch Warmblood, Bay w/Star/stripe/snip, Show Jumping
Happy Daze, Mare, 16.1, 7, British WB, Bay w/star/snip, Show Jumping
Crystalized Future, Mare, 16.2, 11, Swedish WB, Bay with Star, Show Jumping
Starlight Run, Mare, 16, 10, Selle Francaise, Bay with Star/snip, Everything
Andi, Mare, 16.2, 9, Danish Warmblood, Chestnut with snip, Everything
Bianca's Pure Gold, Mare, 17, 8, Belgiam Warmblood, Palomino with blaze and 4 stockings, Show Jumping
Summer Moonlight, Mare, 16.3, 9, Belgian Warmblood, Chestnut with blaze & 2 hind socks, Dressage
Golden Freedom, Mare, 16.1, 7, British WB, Chestnut w/ Blaze, Eventing
Starry Future, Mare, 16.3, 9, Swedish WB, Bay with snip, Eventing
Starlight Cruise, Mare, 16.3, 8, Selle Francais, Bay with star, Eventing
FFP Queen of Hearts, Mare, 16.3, 8, Dutch Warmblood, Dapple Grey, Show Jumping
Fox Fire, Mare, 16.3, 10, Canadian Warmblood, Bay with star/stripe/snip, Eventing
Ima Southern Girl, Mare, 15.3, 5, Quarter Horse, Light Bay, Everything
Estanesse, Mare, 17, 5, Arabian Sport Horse, Dark Bay w/Blaze, Eventing
Elemmiire, Mare, 17, 5, Canadian Warmblood, Dapple Grey with Star, Show Jumping & Dressage
Funky Tide, Mare, 17, 8, Hanoverian, Dapple Grey Paint with Blaze and a left Blue Eye, Eventing/Jumpers
Tessa, Mare, 16.3, 7, Thoroughbred, Chestnut, Eventing/Jumpers
Golden Wave, Mare, 16, 4, Arabain, Bay, Dressage
Golden Apple, Mare, 15.2, 8, Arabian, Bay, Dressage
Linda Adunnie, Filly, wmt 15.2, 5, Polish Arabian, Gray with two front socks and a blaze, Eventing
Ankale, Mare, 16.2, 5, Akal-Teke, Bay with four stockings, Eventing, Don't Let the Blood Shed X Kustard Kalite
En Cuivre, Mare, 16, 6, Selle Francais, Chestnut w/ small star, Eventing, ?? X ??
Priceless Princess, Mare, 17.2, 8, Selle Francais, Blood Bay, Eventing, ?? X ??
What A Dream, Mare, 15.2, 4, Akhala-Teke, Bay, Dressage, Eventing, ?? X ??

Naylith's Horses
Legolas, Stallion, 16.2, 10, Thoroughbred, Chestnut w/ Flaxen Mane & Tail, Eventing, ?? X ??
Fetch the River, Stallion, 16, 10, Thoroughbred, Dark Bay w/ 3 socks & snip, Racing, ?? X ??
Silver Silhouette, Stallion, 16.1, 8, Andalusion, Grey, Dressage, Silver Solamente X Franqueada
Temptation, Stallion, 16.2, 10, Hanoverian, Dark Bay, Everything, Animation X High Temperature
Euro, Stallion, 16.2, 10, Hanoverian, Dapple Grey, Eventing, O'Neil X Your Call
Katerer, Stallion, 16.2, 9, Dutch Warmblood, Bay, Everything, Katada X Caterer's Choice
Furious Florida Boy, Stallion, 17.1, 9, Clydesdale, Chestnut, Driving, Momma's Boy X Furious Love
Max Attack, Stallion, 18.2, 9, Clydesdale, Black, Driving, ?? X ??
Maestoso Melora, Stallion, 16.3, 10, Lippizaner, Grey, Dressage, Maestoso X Dancer of Melora
Grand National, Stallion, 17, 10, German Warmblood, Bay, Jumper, ?? X ??
Ice Age, Stallion, 15, 9, Arabian, Iron Steel Grey, Eventing, Fire and Ice X ??
To the Band, Stallion, 15.2, 9, Arabian, Black, Everything, To the Silence X Band Boarder
Sadeek True, Stallion, 15.2, 9, Egyption Arabian, Grey, Everything, Impressive Star X Lois
Crimson Light, Stallion, 15.2, 9, Arabian, Bay, Everything, Deeper Light X Crimson Ocean
Quicksilver Glory, Stallion, 15, 9, Mustang, Grey, Everything, ?? X ??
Little Dwarf, Stallion, 8.3, 9, Miniature Horse, Chestnut, Driving, ?? X ??
L'Occitaine, Stallion, 16.1, 12, Dutch Warmblood, Black, Dressage, Zuidhorne x Iorine
Lakeview Fiery Lantern, Stallion, 16.2, 9, Jamaican Warmblood, Bay, Eventing, Jack Lantern X Fire Fly
King of Misstiff, Stallion, 16.2, 7, Gypsy Vanner, Piebald, Driving, King X Ram Em
City Chef, Stallion, 16.3, 8, Dutch Warmblood, Chestnut w/stripe, left hind stocking, right front stocking, Everything, Katerer X San Diego
Fetch the Punch, Stallion, 16.1, 8, Thoroughbred/Irish Sport Horse, Bay w/snip and front socks, Everything, Fetch the River X Hawaiian Punch
Manar, Stallion, 16.3, 8, Thoroughbred/Trekehner, Bay w/snip and right hind stocking, Everything, Legolas X Lorien
Melora's Detective, Stallion, 16, 8, Lippizaner/Hanovarian, Grey, Dressage, Maestoso Melora X Undercover Copper
Upbeat Paradiddle, Stallion, 16.3, 8, German Warmblood/Swedish Warmblood, Bay w/star, Everything, Grand National X Let's Pretend
River Anthem, Stallion, 16.1, 8, Thoroughbred, Blue Roan, Eventing, Fetch the River X Anthem of Angels
Elvish Ale, Stallion, 16.3, 8, Thoroughbred/Irish Sport Horse, Chestnut w/flaxen mane and tail and snip, Eventing, Legolas X Hawaiian Punch
Neferious, Stallion, 14.1, 8, Norweigian Fjord, Dun, Everything, Neteriosis X Kama Hios
Amazing, Stallion, 16, 7, Canadian Warmblood, Bay, Everything, Garfield W X Paola
Fetch the Temptress, Stallion, 16.2, 7, Thoroughbred, Bay w/blaze and 4 socks, Everything, Fetch the River X Southern Temptress
Fire in the Morning, Stallion, 17, 7, Jamaican Warmblood/Canadian Warmblood, Chestnut, Everything, Lakeview Fiery Lantern X Morning Mist
Viligant, Stallion, 15.2, 9, Morgan, Black, Everything, Caped Vilian X Ganamara
Royal Vigil, Stallion, 15.2, 5, Morgan, Black, ??, Viligant X Jama Royal Special
Fetch the Entertainment, Stallion, 16.1, 5, Thoroughbred/Irish Sport Horse, Blood Bay w/Blaze and 4 stockings, ??, Fetch the Punch X Sheza Topless Dancer
Southern Gent, Stallion, 17.1, 5, Clydesdale/Thoroughbred Chestnut, ??, Furious Florida Boy X Southern Temptress
HSS Alone in the Rain, Stallion, 18.2, 7, Shire, Bay w/blaze and 4 stockings, Driving, Steve's Trumi X Lady Sherree
The Result is Fire, Stallion, 15, 7, Arabian, Bay, Everything, Damned Results X Fire is My Friend
Dark Angel, Stallion, 15.2, 5, Arabian, Black, Everything, Dark Promise X Angel Morning
In Deep, Stallion, 16.2, 8, Danish Warmblood, Chestnut, Everything, Sexy Waters X Twisted Love
Limitless, Stallion, 17.1, 7, Irish Sport Horse, Black, Everything, Mountain Legend X Crown Jewel
Angel's Mask, Stallion, 16.3, 7, Gypsy Vanner, Piebald, Driving, Masked Detective X Angel's Desire
Alone to Hail, Colt, 18, 5, Shire, Bay w/blaze and front right sock, Driving, HSS Alone in the Rain X HSS Hail and Ice
American Hopeful, Stallion, 15, 5, Haflinger, Palomino, Everything, ?? X ??
Stone's Throw, Stallion, 16.2, 6, Anglo-Arab, Chestnut, Everything ?? X ??
Theoden, Colt, 16.2, 0, Thoroughbred, Dapple Grey, ??, Legolas X Anthem of Angels
Lord of the Mark, Colt, 16, 0, Hanovarian, Chestnut with snip, ??, Euro X Undercover Copper
Rohirrim, Colt, 16.1, 0, Thoroughbred, Bay with front right coronet, ??, River Anthem X Prime Temptress
Edoras, Colt, 15.2, 0, Arabian, Black, ??, Dark Angel X Ice Raven
Prisoner of Faith, Gelding, 15.1, 7, Arabian, Black, Dressage/Jumper, ?? X ??
Living Loud, Gelding, 15.3, 10, QH/Pinto, Skewbald, Jumper, ?? X ??
My Shooting Soul, Gelding, 15.1, 10, Arabian, Black, Everything, ?? X ??
Eclipse, Gelding, 16, 8, Quarter Horse, Bay, Barrles and Show Jumping, ??X??
Elven Flame, Mare, 15.2, 8, Appendix, Chestnut w/star & left hind sock, Everything, ?? X ??
Anthem of Angels, Mare, 16.2, 10, Thoroughbred, Grey, Everything, ?? X ??
Princess, Mare, 16.3, 9, Irish Warmblood, Grey, Jumper, ?? X ??
Morning Mist, Mare, 17.2, 8, Canadian Warmblood, Grey, Everything, Titan II X Silver Tiarra
Let's Pretend, Mare, 16.2, 8, Swedish Warmblood, Bay, Eventing, Campino 009 X Kaskade
San Diego, Mare, 17, 8, Dutch Warmblood, Bay, Dressage, Wanjoi X Dance Away
Lorien, Mare, 16.3, 7, Trekehner, Bay w/star and two hind socks, Everything, Mythic Hero X Kaschmir
Hawaiian Punch, Mare, 16.3, 8, Irish Sport Horse, Bay, Everything, Fruit Punch X Kaitlind
Undercover Copper, Mare, 15.3, 7, Hanovarian, Chestnut w/ left rear sock, Everything, ?? X ??
Terra Bella, Mare, 15, 8, Mustang, Chestnut, Everything, ?? X ??
Southern Temptress, Mare, 16.2, 8, Thoroughbred, Chestnut, Everything, Temptor X Southern Sizzle
Flowin' Smoothly, Mare, 15.2, 8, Connemara, Grey, Jumper, Flo N' Go X Smooth Waters
Princess Leeana, Mare, 16.1, 7, Gypsy Vanner, Piebald, Driving, Prince X Shake the Mixer
Elven Anthem, Mare, 16.2, 8, Thoroughbred, Chestnut w/blaze, Eventing, Legolas X Anthem of Angels
Ilsa Lorien, Mare, 16.2, 8, Andalusion/Trekehner, Grey, Dressage, Silver Silhouette X Lorien
Flame of Legolas, Mare, 16, 8, Thoroughbred/Appendix, Chestnut w/small star, Everything, Legolas X Elven Flame
Esse Ata, Mare, 16.3, 8, Andalusion/Canadian Warmblood, Grey, Dressage, Silver Silhouette X Morning Mist
Alkare, Mare, 16.2, 8, Hanovarian/Irish Warmblood, Chestnut, Show Jumping, Temptation X Princess
Hidden Desires, Mare, 16.1, 8, Hanovarian, Bay w/hind socks and snip, Everything, Temptation X Undercover Copper
Sheza Topless Dancer, Mare, 16, 7, Thoroughbred, Bay, Everything, He's Tops X This Way Love
Prime Temptress, Mare, 16.2, 7, Thoroughbred, Chestnut, Everything, Primoridial X Southern Temptress
C My Pretty Raven, Mare, 15.3, 6, Arabian, Black, Show Jumping, Raven's Lullaby X Ga 'Ta C Me
Pata-Fla-Fla, Mare, 16.2, 7, Gypsy Vanner, Piebald, Driving, King of Misstiff X Princess Leeana
Silver Bells, Mare, 15, 7, Mustang, Strawberry Roan w/stripe, Show Jumping, Quicksilver Glory X Terra Bella
Ilsa Melora, Mare, 16.1, 7, Andalusion/Trekehner/Lippizaner/Hanovarian, Grey, Dressage, Melora's Detective X Ilsa Lorien
Iirima Sikil, Mare, 17, 7, Trekehner, Dappled Bay w/Blaze and 4 coronets, Eventing, Gandalf the Grey X Arwen the Fair
Ice Raven, Mare, 15.2, 7, Arabian, Black, Everything, Ice Age X C My Pretty Raven
Jama Royal Special, Mare, 15.1, 7, Morgan, Bay, Everything, Beam's Royal Bandit X ??
Beam's Carbon Copy, Mare, 14.3, 11, Morgan, Black, Everything, Beam's Black Panter X Show's Royal Crystal
Shato's Chocolate Almonds, Mare, 15, 5, Morgan, Buckskin, Everything, KRP Cocoa X Jama Royal Special
Temptress' Anthem, Mare, 16.2, 5, Thoroughbred, Chestnut w/star, ??, River Anthem X Prime Temptress
Furious Temptress, Mare, 17, 5, Clydesdale/Thoroughbred Chestnut, ??, Furious Florida Boy X Southern Temptress
HSS Hail and Ice, Mare, 17.1, 8, Shire, Grey, Driving Robin Hood's Robin X Balla Dale
HSS Highland Storm, Mare, 18.1, 8, Shire, Bay w/blaze and 4 stockings, Driving, McQueen Highland X Storm Chaser
HSS Eye of the Storm, Mare, 17.2, 9, Shire, Black w/blaze and 4 stockings, Driving, Fox Valley Brummel X Bay View Genie
HSS Crystal Rain, Mare, 17, 6, Shire, Bay Roan w/Blaze and 4 stockings, Driving, Moonlight's Atlas X Jane
Firey Raven, Filly, 15.2, 5, Arabian, Bay, Everything, The Result is Fire X C My Pretty Raven
Little Too Late, Mare, 14.3, 7, Caspian Horse, Bay, Everything, ?? X ??
Toi's Dreamer, Mare, 15, 12, Arabian, Grey, Everything, ?? X ??
Simbelmyne, Filly, 16.1, 0, Gypsy Vanner, Piebald, ??, Angel's Mask X Pata-Fla-Fla
Meduseld, Filly, 16.3, 0, Dutch Warmblood, Black, ??, L'Occitaine X San Diego
