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Overcoming Procrastination


William Knaus, a psychologist, estimated that 90% of college students procrastinate.  Of these students, 25% are chronic procrastinators and they are usually the ones who end up dropping out of college.

What is Procrastination?
Procrastination is the avoidance of doing a task, which needs to be accomplished.  This can lead to feelings of guilt, inadequacy, depression and self-doubt among students.  Procrastination has a high potential for painful consequences.  It interferes with the academic and personal success of students.

Why do Students Procrastinate?
Procrastination begins with some kind of negative feeling that distracts us.  However negative is often just a label put on top of neutral energy.  If you can recognize and reframe some of these feelings of anxiety and self-doubt, you can make a plan for organizing your time and yourself.






  • Unrealistic Expectations and Perfectionism.  You may believe that you MUST read everything ever written on a subject before you can begin to write your paper.  You may think that you haven't done the best you possibly could do, so it’s not good enough to hand in.


  • Let go of those beliefs.  Start early, do the best you can at the moment.  Review and revise later.



  • Fear of Failure.  You may think that if you don't get an ‘A’, you are a failure.  Or that if you fail an exam, you, as a person, are a failure, rather than that you are a perfectly ok person who has failed an exam.
  • Reframe failure – use it to learn - move on to the next event.  Compete only with yourself!  Visit the professor - “How can I do better on the next exam?”


  • Finding the Task Boring.


  • Focus on your priorities and goals.  Apply material to yourself. 


  • Fear and Anxiety.  You may be overwhelmed with the task and afraid of getting a failing grade.  As a result, you spend a great deal of time worrying about your upcoming exams, papers and projects, rather than completing them.
  • Break the large task into small parts.  Set specific goals.  “Bite it off, one small bite at a time.”


  • Difficulty Concentrating.  When you sit at your desk you find yourself daydreaming, staring into space, looking at pictures of your boyfriend/girlfriend, etc., instead of doing the task.
  • Getting started: organize environment; 5 minute rule; pre-read text; review lecture notes; use a worry pad.
  • Personal Problems.  For example, financial difficulties, problems with your boyfriend/girlfriend, etc.
  • Seek counseling.  See  resources below.
  • Poor Time Management.  Procrastination means not managing time wisely.  You may be uncertain of your priorities, goals and objectives.  You may also be overwhelmed with the task.  As a result, you keep putting off your academic assignments for a later date, or spending a great deal of time with your friends and social activities, or worrying about your upcoming examination, class project and papers rather than completing them.
  • Keep a record of how you are using your time. 
  • Summarize your time usage by categories.
  • Make a weekly schedule, daily priority list and monthly calendar.




Counseling Help - Where To Find It!

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
494-6995 OR 494-1707, PSYC 1120

Purdue Counseling and Guidance Center
494-9138, LAEB 3202

Adapted from University at Buffalo Counseling Center