Welcome to Wishful Thinking

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Reasons why I support Yamashiro

^^ Pictures of our two favorite bishounen!

fan stuff (fanfics, fanart, etc)


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Update on July 28th, 2003

I'm stil working on that Yamashiro fanfic! Don't give up hope! Also, i got a cool looking banner. *points to banner* ^.^ It's a link, too! I also added a new point to the "reasons." I got a new email, too. It's now PANDABEAR1328@hotmail.com

Update on June 8th, 2003

There are four new pictures. One is of Koushiro, and Three are of our favorite couple (Though Jyou is in one of them as well).

Hi everyone! ^^ This is the almighty webmistress Mandy speaking here. Welcome to "Wishful Thinking," A shrine to Yamashiro. There's not much here yet, but it will grow quickly! It will become pretty very soon!

Yamato: Says you. You are slow at things.

*punches Yamato* Anyways, just look around at what we have so far.

Koushiro: Yamato! Are you alright?

Yamato: Yeah, she didn't even hurt me. She's not very strong.

...*grabs a katana* die!

Yamato: o.O *runs*