
Aww, leaving so soon?

Run while you still have a chance!

*stabs Yamato* Well, if you have to, then check out some of these places. They are pretty cool.

Ah! Yamato! Are you alright?

Mandy! Why did you do that?!

He was annoying me.

Well, will you heal him? *makes puppy dog face* can I say no to that? *heals Yamato*

Mandy's Fanfictions
That's my other website. It's full of fanfics. And fanart.

The Complete Digicouple Link List 
A list of diffrent webiste about diffrent couples in Digimon. 

Mek's corner
My friend Mek's site. Yes, that's the firend who supports Taishiro. Well, go see her site. 
It's pretty cool.