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Reduced traffic charges slated for rapper C-Murder

Rap artist C-Murder, who was caught speeding and ramed in St. John the Baptist Parish earlier this year, will face reduced charges when he is arraigned next month.
C-Murder, whose real name is Corey Miller, paid an $81 court fee last month to settle a speeding cahrge, officials said. A State Police helicopter had clocked him at 80 mph in a 70-mph zone, traveling east on Interstate 10 at the St. James-St. John line.
A court spokeswoman sais the speeding charge was reduced because of "defective equipment," while authorities dropped charges of driving without a license and possession of stolen property.
Miller, 22, of Baton Rouge, still faces charges of illegal carrying of a weapon and unlawful use of armor after his March 24, 1998 arrest, court officials said. His court apperance is set for Sept. 8, 1998.
Officials initially said they believed the 1994 pickup truck Miller was driving had been reported stolen in New Orleans. But Miller provided proof that he had recently purchased the vehicle at an auction, said his attorney, James Maughan Jr. of Baton Rouge.
When State Police pulled Miller over, he had a semiautomatic handgun in his waistband and wore a bulletproof vest. Maughan said it is not unusual to carry a weapon and noted that it is only against the law to have body armor if it is worn in the commision of a crime.
"He is traveling between two major cities on a rural route and has a gun in his car," Maughan said. "Many people who travel interstate highways in Louisiana do. We believe this will be resolved favorably."
Miller's first solo release, "Life or Death," debuted at No. 3 on Billboard magazine's top 10 charts earlier this year. Miller is also a member of the rap group trio Tru, whose album "Tru 2 Da Game" sold more than 2 million copies last year.
Miller is the younger brother of Matser P, who founded No Limit Records based in Baton Rouge.
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