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Ghetto Chart

Have you ever wondered if you're ghetto or if someone you know is ghetto?

Well, now you can find out!!

1) If you rent Disney movies for your kids instead of reading to them, you're ghetto.
2) If you get on the bus with a car phone, you're ghetto.
3) If your album collection is composed of tapes full of songs you recorded off the radio, you're ghetto.
4) If you've never seen grass, you're ghetto.
5) If you see a relative of yours on the TV show Cops, then you're ghetto.
6) If you bite people while you're boxing, then you're ghetto.
7) If you have gold teeth and are homeless, you're ghetto.
8) If you wear the same suit to church every Sunday, but play it off by switching ties, you ghetto.
9) If you have sex just to keep your mind off of how hungry you are, you're ghetto.
10) If your kids have more Sega games than books, you're ghetto.
11) If you have a tatoo of your own name on your body, you're ghetto.
12) If you use magazines for coasters, you're ghetto.
13) If you buy the newspaper, just for the sports section or the comics, you're ghetto.
14) If you think Hard Copy is a legitimate news source, you're ghetto.
15) If you steal baskets from the supermarket, you're ghetto.
16) If all of your towels have a hotel's name on them, you are ghetto.
17) If your idea of heating the house is leaving the oven on, you're ghetto.
18) If you still play Atari, you're ghetto.
19) If you put water in the barbecue to make it last longer, you're ghetto.
20) If you have more gold teeth than original ones, you're ghetto.
21) If you keep a can of used grease on the stove to reuse it, you're ghetto.
22) If the basketball goal on your corner is made of an old crate with the bottom cut out, you're ghetto.
23) If all you watch is WB, you're ghetto.
24) If you drink soda called simply Cola, Orange, Grape, etc., you're ghetto.
25) If you or your mother goes to the store with rollers in her hair, you're ghetto.
26) If your hoop earings are large enough to double as bracelets, you're ghetto.
27) If you have more fake hair than original, you're ghetto.
28) If you have the movie Friday memorized, you're ghetto.
29) If you put more sugar in your kool-aid than water, you're ghetto.
30) If you wear dress socks with tennis shoes, you're ghetto.
31) If you buy all of your appliances from "that guy around the corner," you ghetto (and an accomplice).
32) If your boss pays you in cash, you're ghetto.
33) If you sleep in a stocking cap, you're ghetto.
34) If "eggs and rice" is a part of your diet, you're ghetto.
35) If you put hand lotion in your hair, you're ghetto.
36) If your 2 year old can do the electric slide, you're ghetto.
37) If you go to restaurants weekly and say it's your birthday just to get a free desert, you're ghetto.
38) If you brag about how many times you've been shot, you're ghetto.
39) If you fry bologna, you're ghetto.
40) If you read entire magazines in the store, you're ghetto.
41) If you have sex doggie-style so you don't mess up your hair, you're ghetto.
42) If your socks have colored stripes at the top, you're ghetto.
43) If you lick the plate when you finish eating, you're a serious ghetto.
44) If you get jumped for wearing the wrong colors in your hood, you're ghetto.
45) If your afro is shaped funny because you started growing it from a flat-top, you're ghetto.
46) If you answer to "psssssss," you're ghetto.
47) If you hold up ward or gang signs in pictures, you're ghetto.
48) If your grandma is called, "Nana," you're ghetto.
49) If you buy a walkie-talkie because you don't want to pay the phone bill, you're ghetto.
50) If you sleep on a matress that's on the floor, you're ghetto.
51) If you approach females with: "Say, boo...what yo' name is?" you ghetto.
52) If you have a weight bench in your back yard, you're ghetto.
53) If your grandma has the highest income in the family, you're ghetto.
54) If 2Pac was played at your funeral, you were ghetto.
55) If you're ridin' and you ask the guy in the car next to you to "turn it up," you're ghetto.
56) If your church says: "Ain't no party like a holy ghost party cause a holy ghost party don't stop!" you're ghetto.
57) If you're still jammin' to Kris Kross and any Hammer (or MC Hammer) album, you're ghetto.
58) If you think milk is good ten days after the expiration date, you're ghetto.
59) If your idea of exercise is going to the club, you're ghetto.
60) If your ol' lady has more golds than you, that's messed up.
61) If your grandmother "wrecks sh*t" on bingo night, you're ghetto.
62) If you lost your virginity while BET's Rap City was on, you're ghetto.
63) If you throw your bus pass out of the window so your boy can ride for free, you're ghetto.
64) If your nickname ends with "Dogg" or "Dawg," you're ghetto.
65) If your broom makes more dirt than it sweeps up, you're ghetto.
66) If you are a male with finger waves, you're ghetto.
67) If your home page starts with "What's up, fools," you're ghetto.
68) If you think it takes talent to rap like Missy Elliot, you're an idiot!
69) If you think Wu-Tang is a kung-fu movie, you're ghetto.
70) If you have to take off the top of your toilet to flush, you're ghetto.
71) If you can't wait 'til it's summer time so you can turn on the fire hydrant, you're ghetto.
72) If you know how to nigga-rig arcade machines to get extra credits, you're ghetto.
73) If "nigga-rig" is in your vocabulary, you're ghetto.
74) If your college professor raps, you're ghetto.
75) If you live in a house with a drive way, but have no car, you're ghetto.
76) If you are fat and where jerseys, you're ghetto.
77) If you've ever eaten chitterlings, you ghetto.
78) If you are fat and where spandex biker shorts so your thighs look like a bag of marbles, you're ghetto.
79) If your Tommy Hilfiger shirt has a Hanes tag in the collar, you're ghetto.
80) If you wear "Damaged" or "Used" brand jeans, you're ghetto.
81) If you have a couch or sofa on your porch, you're ghetto.
82) If you have house speakers anywhere in your car, you're ghetto.
83) If you wash any body parts (including hair) in the kitchen sink, you're ghetto.
84) If you turn up the air when you start to stink instead of taking a shower, you're ghetto.
85) If you watch BET's Comic View and laugh at the jokes, you're ghetto.
86) If all of your friends are ghetto, you're ghetto.
87) If your guests won't even sit on your toilet, you're nasty.
88) If you smoke weed because cigarettes are bad for your health, you're ghetto.
89) If you have a "going away" block party, you're ghetto.
90) If you still wear Cross Colors brand clothes and Malcom "X" caps, you're ghetto.
91) If your uncle taught you how to roll blunts, you're ghetto.
92) If you work at a fast food restaurant and are over 30 years old, you're ghetto.
93) If your speakers cost more than your car, you're ghetto.
94) If you've ever called the psychic line, you're ghetto.
95) If you have bootleg jerseys with the wrong team colors, you're ghetto.
96) If you name your kids after cars you can't afford (for example: Mercedes, Porsha, etc.), you're ghetto.
97) If your idea of fun is sitting on your porch and watching cars go by, you're ghetto.
98) If your appliances have to be hit 3 times in a certain rhythmic fashion to work, you're ghetto.
99) If your dog has never seen outside, then you're ghetto.
100) If you know how to make bootleg liquor, you're ghetto.
101) If you can roll blunts with your eyes closed, you're ghetto.
102) If your cousin is retarded, but no one will admit it, you're ghetto.
103) If you don't have time to brush your teeth because you're late, and decide to lick the film of dirt off your teeth, you're ghetto.
104) If you know people that say they smoke crack to lose weight because "diets ain't healthy," you're ghetto.
105) If you saw the movie Booty Call, you're ghetto.
106) If you call Puff's remakes "the good version", you're a retard.
107) If your boxspring has piss stains on it (on BOTH SIDES), you're ghetto.
108) If you have a "knock hard" sign on your door because you or your brothers and sisters broke the doorbell, you're ghetto.
109) If you have a "knock hard" sign on your door so your babydaddy won't catch you with his best friend, you triflin.'
110) If your hair is black, and your weave is red, you're ghetto.
111) If you can recite a whole rap album, you're ghetto.
112) If you walk in the middle of street and look at cars like they're in the wrong place, you're ghetto.
113) If you bike has one pedal, you're ghetto.
114) If you got one television sitting on top of another one and the bottom one doesn't work, you're ghetto.
115) If you're walking down the street talking on a car phone, you're ghetto.
116) If you have to bring a radio in your car because it doesn't have one, you're ghetto.
117) If you have ever ironed your hair with a real iron, you're ghetto.
118) If you wear your house shoes to the store, you're ghetto.
119) If your Puerta Rican and still can't pass your Spanish classes, you're ghetto.
120) If you say "bout it, bout it" in church, instead of Amen, you just a white kid who think you is ghetto.
121) If you REUSE mouthwash, you're ghetto.
122) If you have a cordless phone, but tie it to the stand so you don't lose it, you're ghetto.
123) If you rooted for Darth Vader to win cause he's Black, you're most definitely ghetto.

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