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Mother's Page

This photo was taken on my Wedding Day,
November 5, 1994. This was only 2 weeks
before Shelley's 15th birthday. Oh, if I had
only known that we had only 4 short years
left to be together . . .

My beautiful daughter was taken from me on
the night of September 28, 1998. My heart,
my thoughts, my love and my life will never be
the same. She left home that night to go to a
movie with a friend and never came home again.
This tragedy has taught me the greatest lesson
in compassion, understanding, and forgiveness
that could ever be learned in a thousand lifetimes.

Prom 1996

Shelley was/is such a beautiful person, so loving &
caring. Everyone that ever knew her will tell you
they never met anyone quite like her. She had such
a big heart. She always stuck by her friends when
they were in trouble or having problems. I think
she worried more about them than about herself. Even
her friends' parents were close to her because she
spent time visiting them whenever she had the chance.

I remember how she was always so happy & carefree, always
trying to cheer you up when you were down. When she knew
she had done something wrong, she would walk into the room
and start kissing and hugging everybody . . .knowing she
was in trouble. That was just her way. It was very hard
to be mad at her for very long.

I remember watching movies with Shelley. If the movie had
an emotional ending, she would say, "Mom, are you crying?"
And I would answer, "No" (even though I was!). She would
then say, "Me, neither" (even though she was, too!). Then,
in a few minutes, we would look at each other and laugh!
We watched our last movie together on the night before her
accident. It was a wonderful movie entitled "Forever Love",
starring Reba McIntyre. It made both of us cry. I cherish
this night as one of the last memories I have of being with
my beautiful daughter. I will always love and miss Shelley,
and will never understand why . . .

Shelley's Mom forever,

I wish to acknowledge the long hours of work my dear friend, Kathleen Brackin, put into the creation of these web pages. Without Kathleen's love and devotion to Shelley, this remembrance of my daughter would not have been possible.

Thank you to my loving family for giving me the daily support and encouragement to go on.

Thank you to my lifelong friend, Donna Sibley Thompson. Because of the loss of her wonderful son, Ty, she has been able to really understand and help me in my darkest hours.

Thank you to my dear friend, Judy Sibley Sanders. Her never-ending faith in God has meant more to me than I could ever say.

"And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus"
Philippians 4 v.7

Copyright ©1999 Kathleen Brackin

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This My Mom Is A Survivor
page is dedicated to
Peggy Swain Martin.
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