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The Angel Cast Rocks

Okay Guys. I love the Angel Cast. Here is some info about them . Where have they been: The Angel Cast or the First National Tour started in Boston. They were there for 7 months. They then left our fair city and wen to St.Paul, Minnesota. MN is a cool place. There are cool people there. (What up Kayse!). They then left to go to Washington DC. That was fun. That was a cool place for be to go see them in. Cool freaks down there too (What up Austin!). Now the are in Chicago. From what I hear things are going pretty good in there.. I have bootlegs from all cities and they are great in them all. ********************************************************************************************** Who's in the Cast? (as of opening in Chicago)
Roger: Manley Pope
Mark: Christian Anderson
Mimi: Simone
Maureen: Amy Spange
Joanne: Sylvia MacCalla
Angel: Shaun Earl
Collins: CC Brown
Benny: Dwayne Clark
Marks Mom: Alicia Westelmen
Steve etc.: Lambert Moss
Soloist#1: Terita Redd
Solist#2: John Eric Parker
Gordon: Dan Robbins
Waitor: Evan D'Angeles
Alexi Darling: Julie Danao
Swings/Understudies: Cheri Smith, Kamilah Martin, Joshua Greene, Kristopher Cusick, Cristina Ablaza, Timothy Cole. ********************************************************************************************** Who WAS the Original? (As of opening Boston)
Roger: Sean Keller
Mark: Luther Creek
Mimi: Simone
Maureen: Carrie Hamilton
Joanne: Sylvia MacCalla
Collins: CC Brown
Angel: Stephan Alexander
Benny: James Rich
Mark's Mom: Amy Spanger
Steve: Lambert Moss
Solist#1" Queen Esther
Soloist #2: John Eric Parker
Gordon: Christian Anderson
Waiotr: D'Monroe
Alexi Darling: Julie Danao
Swings/Understudies: Cristina Ablaza, Ray Garcia, Dan Robbins, Schele Williams ********************************************************************************************** In My opinion the Best(s) in the Cast: Simone. She is a goddess. She is not only sexy and sassy, but she has a voice that makes you wonder "how the fuck did she do that?". Christian Anderson. So talented. Was once a Roger understudy, now Mark. Go him. He has a great voice, great looks and great acting. they both Rock. ********************************************************************************************** Cute things about the cast: Christian Anderson and Cheri are the cutest couple. In Boston, St.Paul and Dc, they were always holding hands. Thoush some of us know that Christian has problems with walking into walls, she still likes him. Dan Robbins is soooo cool. He is funny. He always hangs out and jokes around with the fans in the rush line. ********************************************************************************************** Cast Bygones that we love: Carrie Hamilton. She was Maureen, left after Boston. How much do I love her? She rocked. Sean Keller. Though some dispute the talent and looks of this gorgeous guy, I love him, and will hold a place in my heart for him. Stephen Alexander: Though sometimes a bitch, he proved to be somewhat fun-loving. Like on the last night in Boston. TeeHee. Queen Esther: She was the original Soloist. She was great. Super Sweet and Talented. Luther Creek. Well he used to be the best mark ever. now he is Roger in the TO cast of RENT. He was a spaz, a cool, funky, insane guy. His hair could be the power source for a small country. He was one of the best RENt people accross the nation. he is my man. Just kidding. James Rich: He was pretty good as Benny. Didn't have hte best personality. He left to be a daddy. How cute. D'Monroe. While once th waitor with the cool clothes, now he is Benny, the yuppie with the cell phone. I love D. he is cool. ********************************************************************************************** Umm..Thats about it for now. Have any questions or suggestions email me.
