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My Friends

OK. Well as I mentioned I get around a lot. I have different groups of friends that sometimes intertwine. The Main one's are: My BCT (Boston Children's Theater), VSB's (Viola Street Bitches), Riverside, Rent, and my friends that were not at BCt when I was there but I met, and now we hang out.
BCT: We all did this cool program this summer called stagemobile and now we are all "oh-so close" despite where we live.
Amanda: Cool Girl with a Purple car. Lives in Sudbury. Super sweet, a real "Angel". Blast and a half.
Gad: While not in the "Click", he is somewhat older. He is stilll the coolest guy, and a real role model and an inspiration to me.
Jeff: While somewhat crazy, a swet and funny guy who can cheer me up any time.
Sean McGill: while a little young, he at most times act's more mature than me, and a cute and sweet guy to be with.
Jason: A sweetie, ladies man, who I love madly.
James and Dawn: Couple of the year. too cute together and give us our biggest laughs and headaches.
Hilary: This is one cool girl. She lives in Sherborn. She has a great house for partying, and she is the sweetest, intelligent cool girl I know.
Michaela: Also lives in Sherborn. She is one of the greatest people I know. I love her so much and trust her with anything.. She is cool and a real party animal.
Liz: Super funny cool girl. Just don't let her drink past midnight or she will act drunk as a skunk fo rhte whole night.
Tessa: She's my girl. We party, hang and laugh about 2:00 curfews..
Lori: really funny and cool girl. Great Actress.
Robert: One fucking sexy fox :-) If I left anyone out, shoot me. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** VSB's: Well these were my original friends. We have been friends since we were little kids (well most of us.) We (again, majority) live on Viola Street. I haven't hung out with VSB's in awhile, so I am not quite up to date on my shit.
Jen: We have bene friends for a long time. While she is two years younger than me, she is more like 25. She is really great. We bitch fight like cats and dogs, but deep down I love her, and I wish her all teh happiness in the world. She deserves it. I admire her many strengths and beauty. Nikki: I love
Nikki. Even when she is mad at me, I can't stop loving her because she is one of the bravest most honorable person, and i value her opinion, views and way of life. Their is a certain air to nikki of poise that I envy. If I can say one person deserves happiness, it would be nikki. I would trust her with anything.
Chrissy: Chrissy is the most endearing people I know. Even when she hurts me, it is by mistake. She is hte kind of person who I know would Never hurt anyone on purpose. I respect her strength and kindness, and hope I can have some of her qualities someday. i love her a lot.
Sarah: I love Sarah. She is kiinda new to the VSB"s, having just moved here form Maryland. She however has made herself one of the most popular people in Milton, and everyone loves her. She is funny, crazy and a cool person. She is a total burn-out and I love her for that.
Da guys: I dont teh new guys very well, but they seem great. Pat: Nikki's boyfriend. Seems real nice. Funny guy. Barrie: Jen's guy. really sweet. He was so nice to me even thogh I had never met him. Insiteful. Noel: Pretty good looking. :-) real nice. Eric: chrissy's beau. Cool guy, ots of fun. I actually know him! he is a great party guy and goo d actor. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Riverside: most known as the OUAM click. OUAM being the play Once Upon a Mattress. We were in it. It consist of Katie, Vanessa, jenny, Christine and me. We get togteher and party. We always dress up like the spice girls. We are the fucking spicegirls. Jenny: Posh Spice. Christine: Sporty Spice. Katie: Baby Spice. Me: Scary Spice. Ginger Spice: Vanessa. we really look like them. I love this group, we are close and are too much fun. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Sean, Evan, Rebecca and co. Sean is like my best friend. I turst him with my life. There is not one hting I couldn't tell him. That is the best feeling. He is absolutely gorgeous and he knows it. Love the fusha hair. Evan and I have hit it off rather quickly. He is like my bitchy brother. He ans Sean love dressing me up like a club kid. Us gals have a blast. Evan is a cutie too, I guess. Even thogh he told me to go cut down a tree. Rebecca. I lvoe Rebecca. Even though we have some odd moments, she is riot and fun to be with. even thoguh she wants to kick jen's ass. See what happens when clicks intertwine? ********************************************************************************************** Rent. While individual click member;s love Rent, it is mostly internet people who share my obcession. Quick hi to my board folk. January, Rob, Lori, Hoochie (where are ya babe?), Brent, Austin, Jackson, Lurker, Pete, caryn, sandy, Mary (from TO), melissa. i know I forgot a lot, so forgive me if I did. They all rock and keep my rent life going strong. My other rent friends are: Kayse (the trading queen. I love this girl, she hooks me up with great stuff, and she is cool to talk to), Jordan, so many boots. Lori, my first trading gal. We have met now and we are Boston RENT queens. Sorry! Already i left out some REALLY COOL BOARD PEOPL!!!! Sweet Katie and Joe are Really Cool People!!!!! They rock the house. ********************************************************************************************** Other Friends: Andy B. Great Guy, lots of fun bonding SVH time we share. Pete Brown, Suzanne Corbett, Larah Khaw, Liz Disterhoft, Jess Farwell, Ben Cruikshank, My bro Matt, Ketsia Noel, Katie McGrath, Melissa Abelard and all the others I sing with. I am sorry If I left a friend out, You all rock. Us M.A.S singers rock the house. ********************************************************************************************** OH MY GOD!!! I forgot liek one of my bestest friends!!!!!!!!!!! Maura McDonald is the coolest girl in the whole entire world. She fits in to all the clicks! VSB"s, Riverside and a general friend before either!! she rocks. her page is in my links. Go to it. She is gorgous and sweet and perfect. Sorry Maura! ********************************************************************************************** I have some cool friends on the internet too!!! Thereis jeff. Jeff is this totally cool guy who lives kinda close to me in Andover. He is Super cool, and we are a lot alike. There is Henry who lives in MO. We always talk, but he is kidna weird. I try to avoid him now.
