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Okay Guys, this is just some humor to the page. **********************************************************************************************
Most Likely to Succeed: Amy Spanger.
Hottest Guy: Manley Pope.
Most Fun : Daniel Robbins
Prettiest Girl: Cheri Smith
Most Likely to Sky Dive: Dan Robbins
Sweetest Guy: Christian Anderson
Sweetest Girl: Sylvia MaCalla
Best Female Understudy: Julie Danao
Best Male Understudy: Kristopher Cusick
Most Powerful Voice: Simone
Best Mark: Luther Creek
Best Female Dresser: Kamilah Martin
Best Male Dresser: Kristopher Cusick
Tallest: John Eric Parker
Best Male Voice: CC Brown
Best Female Voice: Amy Spanger
Most Likely to Wear a Boa to a Party: Luther Creek
Coolest Guy to Talk to: Christian Anderson
Coolest Girl to Talk to: Alicia Westelman
Funniest Guy: Dan Robbins
Funniest Girl: Cristina Ablaza
Biggest Lovable Dork: Manley Pope
Highest Female Voice: Terita Redd
Highest male Voice: Shaun Earl
Most Likely to Respond to Email: Luther Creek
Most Likely to Sign Everyone's program: Christian Anderson
Most Likely to NOT sign everyone's program: Simone

Some More Fun Stuff

The Best Cast Mixed!
My Last Will to the Cast
