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What's New With the Angel Cast?

OK, there is sooo much going on, so here is the best to my knowledge. ********************************************************************************************** 2-13-98. Hey, hey , hey I am back. Well I have added a "Vsb" page dedicated to my coolest friends. There is some cool stuff there. Including Nikki's awesome poem about us. Also, i added some more people to the worship section, added parody's and stuff to the Creative page, and a review of the last show in Boston written by yours truly. Chekc around I may have forgotten something I added!! ********************************************************************************************** 1-23-97. Updated page again!!! The creative page is up. I have added nunu's story, my poems about the cast, some funny quotes, a review section. Still to add there tommorow: Parody page!!! Fun. ********************************************************************************************** 1-19-97. Updated the page today! Now in the Manley Pope section, there are links to worship sections for Amy, Aylvia, Simone, Christian, Dan and Luther. Also, I added a Page with Superlatives, cast mixes, and My last will to the Angel cast. Coming this week will be a Creative Rent Page!! it will have parody Songs I wrote to the tunes of RENT, the poems and stuff I have written about RENT, and Mine and Your (hopefully) stories about the Angel Cast. ********************************************************************************************** Julie Danao is leaving the Angel Cast as of February 1st. She will be heading to the Broadway cast in NYC. She will be a swing/understudy. She will be missed Taking over her roles of Alexi Darling/others wil be Cristina Ablaza. ********************************************************************************************** Christian Anderson will be "trading places" with Anthony Rapp (Mark in NYC) for about a month. He will return to Chicago on January 27th. ********************************************************************************************** Alicia Westelmen (Mark's Mom, others) is on a 2 week vacation now. ********************************************************************************************** Joining the Angel Cast from the Broadway cast will be Karen Olivio and Schele Williams. Schele was with the Angel Cast during Boston and St.Paul and is thought to have some affiliation with all productions of RENT. **********************************************************************************************
