Christian Anderson
Christian Rocks my world!! he was in the original boston cast and was Gordon, The Man, Mr. Grey, etc. from Boston to DC. He was a Mark and Roger understudy, though he mainly did Roger. Then after Luther left in DC, he took over the role as Mark. I havn't seen him do Mark, but from what I hear he is awesome. I will be getting a CoughbootlegCough of him soon though. He is another sweetie in the cast. After everyshow, not only does he do te whole pictures and program thing with me, but he talks to me and we hang . he is awesome. on mother's day last year, when i was at the show, I said, Christian, would you Marry me? he said sure! It was funny. He is dating Cheri smith. They are hte best couple. Since Cheri is a swing, and doesn't always go on, she doesn't usually swarmed with fans, like he does, but when she played mimi, she got swamped, and he stood there sweetly and waited for her. He is a genuinly nice guy and funt o be around. He is also very good looking and VERY talented!