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Dan The Man Robbins!!

Okay. Like the title says, Dan is the Man. I love Dan. he has been with the Angel tour since it's opening. He was the middle cop and a swing and a Mark/roger understudy. Then after Luther left, and Christian got Mark, he took over Christian's roles as Gordon, the Man, Mr,Grey, etc. he still continues to understudy mark mainly, but he actually went on for Roger for the first time in Chicago! go him!! Dan has a beautiful voice. he moves well, acts phenominally and has a great stage prensence. He is so much fun to watch. Many of us have viewed his "crackhead cop". That is funny as fuck. He is a cool dresser and just a cool person. He is always the one to hang out with the fans after shows and make jokes at/with them. he is so sweet and so funny. he rocks at every part and is totally dedicated. Hell, do you all remember "Dan: The Angel understudy" And the time he thought he was going on for Angel? Too funny. Hey I would love to see him play angel!!! That would just be too cute. Anyways, give Dan a hug because he just rocks!!!
