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My Last Will to the Angel Cast

OK, i am not going anywhere, but I thought it would be fun to say what I would leave to the cast, so deal with it!! ********************************************************************************************** To Manley Pope I leave: My love and Endearment, A hat that says "Culture Shock", Lots of Gel, A new Bike (since his got ruined on SVH), A better looking girlfriend (that was harsh, sorry!), A better Camera, Guitar lessons and a group of screaming Alternateens to be with him at all times (just kidding). ********************************************************************************************** To Luther Creek I leave: Hair Dye, Gel and Moose, New Overalls, Smaller Sun glasses, A lifetime supply of pizza, a sony playstation , a radio (since he doesn't like TV), a jacket to stay warm in TO, and medicine to get well soon!! ********************************************************************************************** To Simone I leave: A pen so maybe she will sign programs, Hair Shiner for her hair, a pair of blue vinyl pants. ********************************************************************************************** To Amy Spanger I leave: A really great Leather jacket, Scissors so she will keep her hair short, choker chains, a new backback. ********************************************************************************************** To Christian Anderson I leave: Glasses so he will know where he is going, so he doesn't walk into walls, That really cool Green outfit, Green nail Polish, A ring to propose to Cheri with (they are SO cute) and A shirt that says "I've got it all". ********************************************************************************************** To Dan Robbins I leave: A razor, a gas station outfit, knowledge of where the DC stage door is, a pack of cigarettes, a balcony to crowd surf off and a new roomate. ********************************************************************************************** Sylvia MacCalla: A better looking joanne wig, DocMartins, More great shoes. ********************************************************************************************** TO Kamilah martin I leave: New tommy Overalls, A nice hat, Lots of Flowers, a copy of American President. ********************************************************************************************** To Julie Danao I leave: All the thumbs up in the world, ********************************************************************************************** To Kristpher Cusick I leave: Really cool belts, see through shirts, platforms to play Angel in. ********************************************************************************************** To John Eric Parker I leave: See Through Shirts, Cool Adidas Outfits, Tall Shoes to make him VERY tall and new sunglasses. **********************************************************************************************
