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Our Lovelifes

Things to remember

Okay. Well as gorgeous people, we VSb's have experienced our fair share of guys. Some guys are loved by all, some just by one. Here is a list of each VSB and their lovelifes. Please Note. We have had other relationships, these are just the ones that meant something. ***** means we were majorly obcessive ********************************************************************************************** JENNI

Mike A.
Andrew K.
Andy O.
Alex C.
Mike M.
Andy F. ******
Dan M.
Adam M.
Mike P.
Aaron K.
Dan R.
Jeremy H.
Barry C. ********************************************************************************************** CHRISSY
John D.
Mykel B.
Andrew K.
Leroy R.
Dan D. *****
Adam M.
Alex C.
Dennis M.
Paul C.
Luke C.
Eric R.
Chas B. ********************************************************************************************** ME *SARAH*
Lee G.
Leroy R.
Dominic M.
Eric R.
Dennis M.
Adam J.
The RENT crew ******
Sean M.
Pete B. ******
Dhakir M. ********************************************************************************************** NIKKI
Mykel B.
Dennis M.
Kev L.
Steve L.
Chuck C.
Pat M. ********************************************************************************************** LAURA
Aaron K.
Andrew K.
Dennis M. ******
Chuck C.
Mykel b.
Jeremy H. ********************************************************************************************** MAURA
Derek K.
Mike P.
Mike M.
Matt B. ***** ********************************************************************************************** SARAH MARTIN
Mark F.
Ryan W.
Nick L.
Rob L. ***** ********************************************************************************************** Wow we have gone through a lot of guys huh????/ Oi Vey is Mir as Jeff (hey hey hey jenni) would say.
