~*~*~One Hit Wonder~*~*~

Stephanie and Megan are bestfriends. Stephanie is 5'9'', with long brown hair, blue eyes. She has tan skin and long sliky fingernails. She has been dating Joey from *N Sync for about 5 years. Megan is about 5'7'', with brown hair, and beautiful brown eyes. She has been dating Justin from *N Sync for about 4 years. Both Stephanie and Megan hate the new girl in the pop scene, Britney Spears. She was on MMC with Justin. Megan really hates her. She has had so many problems with Britney before. Megan is so afriad that Justin will go back to Britney. Britney wants Justin back. The guys in Backstreet Boys are on the side with Stephanie and Megan. Nick went out with her, and hated it. She wants him back too. But no matter what, Britney will not get anything she wants. "Stephanie your gonna die if I cant find my baby blue sweatshirt!" Megan yelled through the 2-story condo with which they shared with their boyfriends Joey and Justin when they weren't on tour. "HUH? What?" Steph said, still waking up from the little nap she was taking "Where the hell is my baby blue sweatshirt, u know the one u borrowed for the little date you had with Joey last night!" "Huh? Oh that shirt, the one that looks like Britney Spears' face? Oh I forgot to tell you Joey hated the shirt and it's in the dryer" " Gees, no need to be all rude and mean! Sayin it looks like Britney Spears' ugly ass face, gees Steph that was hella cold! You're not allowed to compare good quality, worth your money shirt to stupid ass, bad lookin, mama fucking bitch Britney!" and with that, Steph and Meg broke out in a huge laughter. When they finally stopped, about 15 minutes later, Meg came out with, " So Ms. Stephanie what did u do with your boyfriend last night? I didn't hear anything nasty so I guess u controlled yourselves right?" Megan asked in almost a devious voice, but nothing out of the ordinary. "Gees, tisktisktisk, that's for me to know and you to find out, but before we came home, we went clubbing with Chris and Francine.." "Who the hell is Francine? The name already makes her sound like a whore" "She's one of Chris's new infatuations, she should be gone in a few weeks" "Oh ok, u can continue" "Well get this, it was Britney Spears night at that club!" "You've got to be kidding me!" Meg said in complete disgust "It's true unfortunately and now we are never going back to that club, ever again!" Steph said with a evil grin, Meg juss thought about what she was thinking. *Probably about how much we both wanted to take her prissy little baby voice off the damn airways .. boy i wish i could rip her head off!!* RINGRING Why must the phone always ring at the most inapropriate times? Megan asked herself. "Hello, this is Megan speaking… Oh my god!" "Meg, who is it?" Steph asked. Meg mouthed the words 'The Slut.' "Ewwww!" Steph squealed. How could Britney even think about calling there? "What do you want?" Meg asked. "Well, I was just wondering if we could hang out?" She asked. "Me hang out with YOU? What have you been smoking?" Meg replied. "No need to bite my head off!" Britney yelled. "I wish someone would!" Meg thought. Then she just laughed. "Is that the real reason why you called?" Meg asked again. "Well, no. I need to talk to Justin. I need his help with something." Britney said. "Well, sorry to burst your bubble there, Justin's not here. And don't even bother calling his house, cuz if you do. I'll have to beat your ass down." Meg said. "Why? What did I ever do to you?" She asked. "You were born. That's a problem right there. The other thing is, you want Justin, when you can't have him! I mean, leave him alone. He's mine! Not yours! So get over it!" Meg yelled. Stephanie picked up the other phone to listen in. "I don't want him! Why would you think that?" Britney asked. "Bitch shut up! You know you want him! You even told your friends last night! Oppps..." Stephanie said. "Good, you're on the phone too! Need the help." Meg said. "Damn, both of you? Look I gotta go. I'll talk to Justin later!" Britney hung up the phone. "Thanx Steph!" Meg said. "No problem. That's what Britney haters are there for!" Steph replied. Just then, Meg and Steph bust up laughing. KNOCK! KNOCK! "Steph please get that!!" Meg said, still on a major laugh attack "Ok fine" Steph replied with. Steph walked over to the door, still laughing. When she peeped through the hole she saw a little box with a note on it. She opened the door and grabbed the box it read, " HEY GIRLIES, OPEN THIS BOX WITH CAUTION AND HAVE STEPHANIE AND MEGAN AROUND WHEN YOU OPEN IT!" Steph though ' Whoa, ok this is weird!!' "Umm Meg, come here!" Steph hollered through the house. When Meg got to the door she was pretty suspicious to, Meg decided to open it. "Oh My Gosh! Awe, this is soo adorable! Steph look!" She said motioning to Steph who was behind the wall afraid of what was in the box. " Why? What is it?" "Come here, you'll definitely want to see what this is!" Steph came and looked at it and screamed, "Oh My Gosh!! I don't believe they got these for us!" In the box sat 2 sets of diamond earrings and 2 pearl necklaces. "They are so sweet!" Meg declared thinking 'ok Justin MUST want a little sumthin tonight' "I agree!" Steph said with a big smile. The guys were supposed to come home tonight. The girls decided to wear the jewlery the guys gave them that night. Joey and Justin came back from a photo shoot and concert around 12:00. Joey and Steph automatically, almost right when he walked through the door, went to there room. Justin and Megan decided to stay mellow in the living room for a while. "Justin thank you SOO much for the diamonds and pearls!" Meg said excitedly, she hasn't talked to him in over 2 weeks because of her busy schedule. "Your welcome Meggy" Justin said with a little chuckle, and running his hands through her hair he thought 'God she looks so beautiful with those on', " I knew they would look good on you, just like everything else does!" "Justin your trying really hard to score points huh?" Megan asked turning back to look at his gorgeous face. "Oh yeah" was all he could say, but at the same time give an evil grin and a little wink. Meg said while getting up, "I know what we could do." with a seductive voice leading him to her bedroom. "Yeah, whatcha have in mind?" Justin said also thinking 'do I have a condom' And with a peppy voice, " Let's watch I Still Know What You Did Last Summer!" "You're a tease, did you know that?" "Yeah of course!! What else would I be?" and with that Justin and Meg cuddled while they watched the movie, with a few squeaks during the scary parts from Meg, and a lot of yelling at the actors on how dumb they were. Unfortunatly from the other room they could here moans and groans and a few giggles and squeaks, Meg and Justin just cracked up when ever they heard anything. (Ok here's the deal with Meg, she really isn't up to the opportunities of what sex really, she is more afraid of it than wanting it. With Steph on the other hand, she is more of the dare devil. Both of the guys understand what the girls are goin through and accept it, especially Joey) ~*~*~ After the movie ~*~*~ "Hey Juss, you could sleep in my room, (Justins face lights up) under 1 condition.." "And what is that?" Justin asked in another one of his seductive voices "No doing it!" "Aww Meg, your no fun when you're like that!" "Uh-uh, that's what you always say!" "OKOK fine, I'll sleep with you tonight, with my luck you'll probably mistake me for Joshua Jackson or Nick Lachey" "Yeah probably" and Meg let out a little grin. By the time they got into bed it was almost 5, but before they were able even to get comfy ~*RINGRINGRING~* Meg answered the phone uneasy and about to yell at who ever was on the other line. "Hello" Meg said in a groggy voice "Hi Meg!! I was just wonderingifyouandjustin, uknow, because we are all in town would, u know, get together or, you know, like something like that!" of course Britney Spears had to be on the other line! "God Brit look, I don't feel like being a bitch this early in the morning! God what the hell do you want?" Meg asked in a get to the damn point voice "Well as I said, u know, like, u wanna get together?" she asked in a peppy voice "No" Meg said just to be polite, and she hung up the phone. She sunk into Justin's arms Justin asked, " Who was it?" "Oh no one in particular" Meg said and they both fell asleep. They were woken by a large noise coming from downstairs. Meg looked at her watch, 1:00. "Juss, wakeup!" Meg said, punching him in the ribs. "I'm up Meg! I've been up for 15 minutes watching you sleep" all Megan could say was," Damn it Justin!" "What? what did I do?" "You are so damn fine!" Meg said, " but for right now we have to go downstairs and see what that was!" Justin and Meg went downstairs to see a BIG shock. "OH MY GOSH!!!" Meg screamed collapsing on the banister. Laughing to death at the sight. Joey and Steph were on the table, with all the plastic cups and plates on the ground.. Making out. "Get up you guys! Your gonna break the table!! Meg yelled, still laughing. "Yeah yall, get a room!" Justin joined in, also still laughing. Steph and Joey both didn't notice that Meg and Justin were there, so they kept on going at it. "OK, Steph you are my best friends and all, but we are supposed to eat on that thing!!" Meg said tapping Steph on the shoulder. "Oh my god!" Steph screamed, " What the hell are you guys doing here?" "I was just about to ask the same question!" Justin said "Steph, it's 1:00 in the afternoon, and you have to get to work, remember?" Meg said in motherly voice. "Oh God that's right!" Steph screamed, but she didn't get up, " I'll call in sick! Yeah that's it!" "Whatever Steph, but remember, our rent is due in a week!" "That's why I have a boyfriend" "Get a li… RINGRING "I'LL GET IT!" Joey called "Hello?" "Joey?? Hey boy what's up? How are you? LIKE IS JUSTIN HOME?" Britney AGAIN asked. "UHH. No he isn't, "Joey said, of course lying, he doesn't like her, why should he tell the truth? "He went out with Meg" Steph called, "Joey who is it?" apparently Britney heard Steph's voice and said, " Look Joey, um, like, sorry but I have to go! Bye-bye" "Uh-hu bye! "Joey said gladly and clicked off the phone line before he could here any more of her voice. "Joey, who was it?" Steph asked "Brit "God, she NEVER gives up does she?" "Guess not." Just then the doorbell rang "I Got it!" Meg yelled through the house. When she opened the door Britney came out. "OH MY GOSH!!!" Meg screamed collapsing on the banister. Laughing to death at the sight. Joey and Steph were on the table, with all the plastic cups and plates on the ground.. Making out. "Get up you guys! Your gonna break the table!! Meg yelled, still laughing. "Yeah yall, get a room!" Justin joined in, also still laughing. Steph and Joey both didn't notice that Meg and Justin were there, so they kept on going at it. "OK, Steph you are my best friends and all, but we are supposed to eat on that thing!!" Meg said tapping Steph on the shoulder. "Oh my god!" Steph screamed, " What the hell are you guys doing here?" "I was just about to ask the same question!" Justin said "Steph, it's 1:00 in the afternoon, and you have to get to work, remember?" Meg said in motherly voice. "Oh God that's right!" Steph screamed, but she didn't get up, " I'll call in sick! Yeah that's it!" "Whatever Steph, but remember, our rent is due in a week!" "That's why I have a boyfriend" "Get a li… RINGRING "I'LL GET IT!" Joey called "Hello?" "Joey?? Hey boy what's up? How are you? LIKE IS JUSTIN HOME?" Britney AGAIN asked. "UHH. No he isn't, "Joey said, of course lying, he doesn't like her, why should he tell the truth? "He went out with Meg" Steph called, "Joey who is it?" apparently Britney heard Steph's voice and said, " Look Joey, um, like, sorry but I have to go! Bye-bye" "Uh-hu bye! "Joey said gladly and clicked off the phone line before he could here any more of her voice. "Joey, who was it?" Steph asked "Brit "God, she NEVER gives up does she?" "Guess not." Just then the doorbell rang "I Got it!" Meg yelled through the house. When she opened the door Britney came out. "OH MY GOSH!!!" Meg screamed collapsing on the banister. Laughing to death at the sight. Joey and Steph were on the table, with all the plastic cups and plates on the ground.. Making out. "Get up you guys! Your gonna break the table!! Meg yelled, still laughing. "Yeah yall, get a room!" Justin joined in, also still laughing. Steph and Joey both didn't notice that Meg and Justin were there, so they kept on going at it. "OK, Steph you are my best friends and all, but we are supposed to eat on that thing!!" Meg said tapping Steph on the shoulder. "Oh my god!" Steph screamed, " What the hell are you guys doing here?" "I was just about to ask the same question!" Justin said "Steph, it's 1:00 in the afternoon, and you have to get to work, remember?" Meg said in motherly voice. "Oh God that's right!" Steph screamed, but she didn't get up, " I'll call in sick! Yeah that's it!" "Whatever Steph, but remember, our rent is due in a week!" "That's why I have a boyfriend" "Get a li… RINGRING "I'LL GET IT!" Joey called "Hello?" "Joey?? Hey boy what's up? How are you? LIKE IS JUSTIN HOME?" Britney AGAIN asked. "UHH. No he isn't, "Joey said, of course lying, he doesn't like her, why should he tell the truth? "He went out with Meg" Steph called, "Joey who is it?" apparently Britney heard Steph's voice and said, " Look Joey, um, like, sorry but I have to go! Bye-bye" "Uh-hu bye! "Joey said gladly and clicked off the phone line before he could here any more of her voice. "Joey, who was it?" Steph asked "Brit "God, she NEVER gives up does she?" "Guess not." Just then the doorbell rang "I Got it!" Meg yelled through the house. When she opened the door Britney came out. "OH MY GOSH!!!" Meg screamed collapsing on the banister. Laughing to death at the sight. Joey and Steph were on the table, with all the plastic cups and plates on the ground.. Making out. "Get up you guys! Your gonna break the table!! Meg yelled, still laughing. "Yeah yall, get a room!" Justin joined in, also still laughing. Steph and Joey both didn't notice that Meg and Justin were there, so they kept on going at it. "OK, Steph you are my best friends and all, but we are supposed to eat on that thing!!" Meg said tapping Steph on the shoulder. "Oh my god!" Steph screamed, " What the hell are you guys doing here?" "I was just about to ask the same question!" Justin said "Steph, it's 1:00 in the afternoon, and you have to get to work, remember?" Meg said in motherly voice. "Oh God that's right!" Steph screamed, but she didn't get up, " I'll call in sick! Yeah that's it!" "Whatever Steph, but remember, our rent is due in a week!" "That's why I have a boyfriend" "Get a li… RINGRING "I'LL GET IT!" Joey called "Hello?" "Joey?? Hey boy what's up? How are you? LIKE IS JUSTIN HOME?" Britney AGAIN asked. "UHH. No he isn't, "Joey said, of course lying, he doesn't like her, why should he tell the truth? "He went out with Meg" Steph called, "Joey who is it?" apparently Britney heard Steph's voice and said, " Look Joey, um, like, sorry but I have to go! Bye-bye" "Uh-hu bye! "Joey said gladly and clicked off the phone line before he could here any more of her voice. "Joey, who was it?" Steph asked "Brit "God, she NEVER gives up does she?" "Guess not." Just then the doorbell rang "I Got it!" Meg yelled through the house. When she opened the door Britney came out. "What the hell are you doing here? And didn't you just get done talking to Joey" Meg asked annoyed. "Yes! And I'm here cause I need to talk to Justin, you know?" Brit replied. "Well, sorry he isn't here. And to answer your little 'you know?' thing, NO I don't know!" Meg laughed. Brit shot her this dirty look and rolled her eyes. "Bitch, don't roll your eyes at me!" Meg yelled. That made Steph and Joey get up off the table. Steph ran into where Meg was and nearly choked when she saw Britney. Joey came up behind her and laughed "Steph you OK?" Steph looked up at him, and smiled, "I will be" Britney walked in, without even being asked. Justin walked in and smiled at her. "Oh! Before I forget, Justin, can you help me with something this weekend?" Britney asked. Justin looked at Meg, and then at Britney, "Uh, ok." Meg looked at him and stormed off screaming, "Bitch you're trying to steal my boyfriend!" Steph walked up to Justin and smacked him upside the head. "What was that for?" He asked. "Well, let's see.. Meg hates Britney and you know that. And this weekend is only Megan and yours 5 year anniversary." Stephanie said. Justin lowered his eyes in shame. "Britney, you need to go now!" Joey said. "No I don't. And you can't tell me what to do!" Britney replied. Meg heard that, and ran down the stairs. "Bitch! Leave! You need to get your fucking fat ass, ugly bitch plastic face, and everything else that's fake on your ugly fucking skinny ass body out of here!" Meg yelled. Steph burst out laughing, "And you know what Brit, don't ever come back here again. Cause then you'll get your fuckin ass beat! Britney looked at Meg and Steph and laughed. "Bitch, that ain't funny! Your face is funny! Your fake ass body and voice is funny! So don't be laughing!" Steph yelled. "Bitch? I'm the bitch? Uh, sorry, you know, I am not the one that sleeps around. Unlike you Steph!" Britney shot back. "Me sleeping around? Where the fuck did you get an idea like that? OMG, I am sooooooooo suprised, she can actualy think." Steph laughed. Joey looked at her with disgust. " Joey, you know it's not true! Please tell me you don't believe her!" Steph said. "You know I would NEVER believe that BITCH." Joey said. "Good" Steph replied. Justin walked over to Meg to give her a hug, but she slapped him, "How could you?" "What?" He asked. "What? That's all you can say, is WHAT? You fucking know that I'm talking about! This weekend, that's what!" Meg yelled. Britney laughed at her. "Oh, the bitch is laughing again. Don't laugh to hard or you'll strain a blood vessel in your face....Oh wait, you can't it's all fucking plastic!" Meg yelled again. Justin looked at Joey, and walked into the backyard. Joey followed, they didn't want to have anything to do with the fight between the 3 girls. "Meg, you need to calm down. He's just going to help me." Britney said. "Yeah, but knowing your sluty ways, you could end up drugging him and stuff" Steph said defending her friend. "Look Steph, you need to stay out of this. It has nothing to do with you" Britney said. "Yes it does." Steph replied. "Well, what?" She asked. "Let's see Meg is my friend, Justin is my boyfriends friend. I have plenty in it!" Steph yelled. "Now Britney, you need to get your ugly ass face out of here! Before I make it even more ugly!" Meg yelled. Britney looked around the house for Justin ,"Justin, I'll see you on Saturday right?" Justin looked back in the house, "Uh, yeah. I guess" "Bye sluts!" Britney said. Steph went after her, but Meg held her back, "It's not worth it, unless we are both going after her" Stephanie and Megan burst out laughing. Justin and Joey came in and saw them. Justin looked a Megan, "Meg, can I talk to you?" "We need to talk. So yeah" She replied. They both walked into the den, and sat down. "Look, I am not going to go help her. It will be just you and me this weekend." Justin said. "That's fine with me. but how could you go and do something like that? I mean, you didn't even remember our anniversary." Meg said, almost about to cry. "I did remember, but Britney is like a sister to me, and you know that. And I want to help her in anyway I can..." Justin started. "Look Justin, if you want to help her, then why aren't you with her? You can help that bitch all you want! Cause for right now, it's over! Go and help that slut with anything she needs!" Meg yelled and stormed out of the room. Justin sat there in shock at what Megan just did. He couldn't believe it, how was he supposed to know that she's get pissed about it. "Meg, you ok?" Steph asked, as she saw Megan running down the stairs crying. "I....I....I just broke up with Justin" Meg said, still crying. "What??!!!?? Why?" Steph asked. "I don't know. I just did" Meg said. "It's because of Britney" Steph thought, and then said, "Look Meg, let's go shopping! It'll be fun! I promise!" Megan looked at her and shook her head. "Please?" Steph begged. "Fine" Meg finally gave in. She grabbed her keys and walked out the door with Steph right behind her. ~*~On the way~*~ "Meg, why did you break up with him?" Steph asked, after what seemed like 5 minutes of silence. "Becuase" Was all Meg said, all the way to the mall. When they got there, Steph saw Britney outside. "Great!" She thought. Both girls got out, and walked towards the mall. "Hey!" They heard. Megan looked back, and saw Britney running for them. "Hey Britney!" Meg said, looking happy. Stephanie looked at her, with a funny look. "What's up?" Brit asked. "Not much, just going shopping. What about you?" Meg asked. "I just did my shopping, you know, I went to the GAP, and everything!" She squealed. "Cool" Steph managed to say. "You wanna go shopping with us?" Meg asked. "Sure!" Brit replied. They all went into the mall, and looked around for the perfect store to go into. "Look Britney, we are really sorry for what we did to you earlier today. Steph wasn't in a very good mood, neither was I." Meg said. "Megan, can I talk to you for a sec?" Steph asked, pulling her aside. "Sure" Meg replied, "What's up?" "Why are you being so nice to her?" Steph asked. "Because, since I'm not with Justin anymore, I don't have a reason to hate her." Meg said. "But she's a slut!" Steph said. "Stephanie, if you want to be that way, go ahead, but as far as Britney goes, I do not have a reason to hate her anymore!" Meg yelled. "Fine!" Steph replied, with a fake smile. Meg motioned her finger for her to come and listen, "Look, I have a plan of my own, so let me play it out!! The whole day Meg was actually nice to Britney, which made Steph pretty much puke when she got home. Meg actually bought the CD, Steph almost blew her head. Britney called around 7:00 (2 hours later) to talk with Justin, he was home. "Hey Jussy!! " Brit said in a peppy voice. "Uuu, Hi," was all that Justin could say, he was still depressed about what happened with Meg. "OH, well since, u know, u have nothing like to do, u know, I was wondering If like, u know, we can, like, u know, get together!!" "UMMMM, no I'm sorry I have to talk with Meg" "OH, u know, like, she has gotten a lot nicer to me, u know!" "REALLY?" Justin asked with a huge shock "UH-hu, she even bought me CD!!" "UMM I got to go, I'll talk to u laterz BYE!" Justin said when he heard Meg come through the door. "OK well, bye jussy! Talk to u later!! ~*~*~*~*~*~CLICK!!~*~*~*~*~*~ What the hell? Justin's mind was at an all time, well he really didn't know what the hell was going on, so he NEEDED to talk to Meg. He found Meg downstairs with Steph about to make cookies, he heard Meg say, " God did u see her ugly ass face light up when I bought the CD? Now that was comedy!!" "Oh, wait what r u gonna do with the CD?" he over heard Steph say. "Burn it of course!!" Meg said happily, "But what the hell am I gonna do about Justin? I want him back, god, he was 1 of the only 2 things that make sense in my life!!" "Why don't you just tell him that?" "HELLO? I cant even look him in the eye anymore!! Tomorrow is our 5-year anniversary!! Can u believe it! I mean, would have, oh…" was all Meg could do, she was speechless, she just kept on thinking, ' I am the most stupid person in the world! I think I know what to do' "HELLO? Earth to Meg!" Steph called when she saw Megan has been mixing the batter for about 5 minutes straight. "Oh, sorry, u know what? I think I have a plan to get Justin back, tomorrow, help me get him home and u and Joey have to promise to leave, but keep little miss bitch out of our way." Was all that Meg would say. "What are you going to do?" "Give him what he's wanted all these years, I'm ready" Justin just stood at the stairs in awe, he wasn't sure how he was going to deal with this. "Joey, hey we need to talk" Steph said when Meg left the room and as Joey was walking by. "Sure, bout what baby?" Joey asked, looking pretty serious, one of the first times ever around Steph. "Meg and Justin" "GOD STEPH!! Leave them alone, they shouldn't fight over Britney. Although I agree she is a slut, true lovers shouldn't find anything to fight over!" "To fight over? Wow that is pretty dumb, everyone fights over everything, and why shouldn't we butt in? They are our best friends! We introduced them!" "Look, u have to know sumthing before this conversation gets out of hand!" Joey said pampering her hand and looking strait into her eye's, which made Steph's heart melt. "And what is that?" Steph asked dreamily Joey motioned for Steph to come closer and he whispered, " He was going to ask her to marry him!" "OH My Gosh!!!" Was all that Steph would say, after she recovered she asked, " I have to tell you something else also, Meg wants him back so much she would even give up her virginity for him." "HER? Among all people? At her age? Meg is desperate to get him back huh?" "I don't know, all I know is that they are meant for each other and WE need to get them together!" "Well how the hell are we going to do that??" "Come here," and Steph told him the plan, "Effective 12:00 noon tomorrow"


Email: athena5141@aol.com