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Selenaz World

Selenaz World

Last Updated April 13, 2000


My Selena Pic Gallery
My Selena Pic Gallery#2
My Selena Biography
My Selena Discography
Jennifer Lopez Pic
Selena Lyricz & Picz
The Movie Selena
More Selena Picz
Selena Biography
More Selena Info.
Selena Cybershop
Selenaz Final Notes
Selena Trial
Chris Perez Interview
Selena Interview
Awards Selena Recieved
The Selena Foundation
Selena News

Other Linkz

Chop City Button Link
Club 504
Jennifer Love Hewitt
Bugsy's Poetry Paradise
Da Real Yello Pages
Britney Spears
JLDz Realm

Hey everyone! I would like to thank all of you who have keep Selena alive in your heart and that you never forgot about her. I would like to say if you have anything that I could put on this page, links, waves, pics, etc, please send them to me. (Please only Selena links unless its your own personal site). I deleted the Selena Survey so if you happen to see that link anywhere and it don't work, it's cuz I deleted it ok?!? Sorry about the inconvience!

This is a picture of Selena's Grave:

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