Alanna's first adventure unravels...
Redheaded Alanna of noble Trebond isn't content with the idea of being sent to the convent to learn to be a soft noble lady. Switiching places with her twin, Thom, she is transformed to Alan, page of the palace.
Alanna hides her true identity from all, never swimming or changing by the boys of the palace. Lady page Alanna gains true friends with king of theives, Prince Jon himself, and many others.
Alanna performs deeds of a goddess and is blessed with a strong Gift of magic. Only something is wrong with the seemingly charming, handsome Roger...
Sample of the tale
"That is my decision. We need not discuss it," said the man at the desk. He was already looking at a book. His two children left the room, closing the door behind them.
"He doesn't want us around," the boy muttered. "He doesn't care what we want."
"We know that," was the girl's answer. "He doesn't care about anything, except his books and scrolls."
The boy hit the wall. "I don't want to be a knight! I want to be a great sorcerer! I want to slay demons and walk with the gods-"
"D'you think I eant to be a lady?" his sister asked. "'Walk slowly, Alanna,'" she said primly. "'Sit still, Alanna. Shoulders back, Alanna'. As if that's all I can do!" She paced the floor. "There has to be another way."
The boy watched the girl. Thom and Alanna of Trebond were twins, both with red hair and purple eyes. The only difference between them-as far as most people could tell-was the length of their hair. In face and body shape, dressed alike, they would have looked alike.
"Face it," Thom told Alanna. "Tomarrow you leave for the convent, and I go to the palace. That's it."
"Why do you get all the fun?" she complained. "I'll have to learn sewing and dancing. You'll study tilting and fencing-"
"D'you think I like that stuff?" he yelled. "I hate falling down and whacking things! You're the one who likes it, not me!"
She grinned. "You should have been Alanna. They always teach the girls magic-" The thought hit her so suddenly that she gasped. "Thom. That's it!"