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Christopher Steven Fagin

I was born at 11:05 pm on saturday, Jan 15, 2000 at the Rockyview General Hospital in Calgary, Alberta, Canada to proud parents Tracy Dafoe and Patrick Fagin. I weighed 7lbs, 14oz and was 21 1/4 inches long. My eyes are blue and my hair is brown, but that could change with time.

I'm seven weeks old now (March 3, 2000). I am happy and healthy, and don't give my mom too much grief, though I tend to get a little fussy around dinner time. I weigh 12lbs, 13oz, and am 23 1/4 inches long. I like my swing, and am generally happy...I don't really care if I'm being held or laying on the floor... if you want to talk to me, I'll smile at you (my first smile was Friday, Jan 21), but if not, I'll just talk to my hands or feet or blanket or whatever else I can see. When I'm hungry, I let mom know by crying a little bit and sucking my fist. As soon as I get coordinated enough, I'm gonna be a thumb-sucker... my fist tastes much better than that soother mom and grandma keep trying to give me. The only thing that really makes me mad is when I get the hiccups, which happens at least once a day. Even then, I just yell a little bit. At night, I usually sleep for 4-6 hours between feedings. If mom decides to change me, then I want to play, but if she ignores me for a little while, I go back to sleep. All in all, I'd say I'm a pretty good baby, dontcha think?

These pictures were taken when I was 8 weeks old... that was 6 weeks ago.. which makes me 14 weeks old. I'm on formula now, because mom has to go back to work in 3 weeks, and I just started on solid food two days ago. I don't like it very much... grandma says it's yummy, I say fine, she can eat it then! Geeze. I sleep through the night now, usually from 10 pm to about 7 am. Mom likes that a lot!! :) My first tooth is thinking about coming in, but it's taking it's own sweet time, so I'm pretty cranky lately. I weigh about 16 lbs. I had a pretty rough week when I was 9 weeks old... mom took me to get my needle (Ouch!) and then we went to the pediatrician... who sent us to another doctor, and I got circumcised.... I was NOT a happy boy!!! I'm all better now though, thank goodness!!!

Well... I'm fifteen months old now, and getting into EVERYTHING!!! I took my first steps at my Auntie Ang's house on Dec 1, 2000, and two weeks later, I was already a going concern! Now, I'm RUNNING everywhere, climbing up and down the stairs, and seeing just how much trouble I can get into. I love to play with the phone, which I can get to by climbing up into the rocking chair. Mom doesn't like it much when I do that though, because if she's out of the room, I like to phone people, and she never knows who I've called. :) I have eight teeth, and have been eating solid food since I was 8 months old. I'll eat just about anything... the only things I don't like are lemons, tuna sandwiches, sweet-and-sour sauce (too much vinegar), coleslaw, and ice cream (got a brain-freeze once, haven't touched the stuff since).

It's been a while since I updated, so I figured I'd better let the world know what I've been up to. I'm 2 1/2 now, and talking a mile a minute. I've recently acquired a new uncle (my mom's cousin's boyfriend, Ashley). How did I do this, you ask? He sent me a balloon after Auntie Lori's birthday last month (Auntie Lori is mom's cousin) and I decided he was my uncle. I let mom know by asking for my "Unca Ashee boon" (Mom's translation-Uncle Ashley balloon" He has a big truck, as I let everyone know as soon as I hear his name "Unca Ashee big truck" :)
I love to go 'wimmin' (swimming) with my Auntie Ang, and driving in Unca or Papa's truck. I recently met Mom's Grandpa, so it's a good thing I call my grandpa 'Papa'... much less confusion that way. I'm well on my way to being potty-trained (or so mom hopes!!!), and life couldn't be better.

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