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What is a Hero?

What is a hero?
Is it someone who gives their life in the service of a cause?
Is it someone who is honored for their actions?
Is it someone who is famous for the things they've done?
Or is it the person you meet on the street,
Who lends you a helping hand?
The person who holds her baby in her arms,
As the baby cries?
The single mother trying to make ends meet,
And feed her child?
The friend who listens to you and gives advice,
When you don't know what to do?
The teacher who gives a little extra time
To a student having trouble?
The boss who understands that peoples lives
Extend outside the workplace,
And is willing to give allowance for times
When people need to take time off to give support to others?
What is a hero?
A hero isn't paid for what they do
A hero isn't always recognized for the good they do
You are a hero, as are we all...
Everyone is a hero.
For things we do
For just being there
For lending a hand or an ear
For understanding... or trying to
For giving of ourselves
Everyone who is a friend, a mother, a father, a sister, or a brother...
Is a hero

-Tracy A.Dafoe
May 26, 1998

Copyright ©1998 Tracy Dafoe
All rights reserved

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