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Nothing But A Memory

I'm shivering.
I'm so cold.

Not physically, you understand,
But mentally, emotionally.

I'm so alone.
Deep in my soul,

Is the emptiness,
The fear.

There used to be a single flame,
A tiny flicker of hope,

Of happiness.

But then came you.
Yes, it was you who doused the flame,

And crushed the hope.
I had so little faith.

Now, I have none.

I am hollow inside.
A mere shell of who I could have been.

A shadow of who I was.
A whisper of life.

I am worthless,
For where my heart was,

Is now empty.

You were my last hope,
My last chance.

You were supposed to be the one
Who would free me.

Who would demolish the walls,
And unlock the doors

Who would free me from the shackles that held my soul,
That enclosed my feelings.

Now, there is nothing to free.
Nothing to release.

When you left,
It died.

It is dead.
And I.....

I'm nothing but a memory.

-Tracy A.Dafoe

-Tracy A. Dafoe

Copyright ©1998 Tracy Dafoe
All rights reserved

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