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Tears of an Angel

Tears of an Angel

He looks at me with his big blue eyes,
Imploring me for help.
I don't know what it is he wants,
So he cries the tears of an angel.

I hold him close to my heart,
Rock him back and forth.
No, this isn't what he wants,
So he cries the tears of an angel.

I try changing his position,
And lay him on his back.
This only seems to make it worse,
And he cries the tears of an angel.

Perhaps on his stomach he'll be at ease,
It's worth a try at least.
Gently, I roll him over,
Still, he cries the tears of an angel.

And so, I pick him up again,
Rock him back and forth.
Take a stroll around the room,
And he cries the tears of an angel.

I think perhaps he's hungry,
So I put him to my breast.
He pulls away and waves his arms,
And he cries the tears of an angel.

I don't know what I can do for him,
I am at a loss.
Still, I do the best I can,
As he cries the tears of an angel.

I talk, I walk, I rock, I sing,
I bounce him on my knee.
Nothing seems to quell the storm
And he cries the tears of an angel.

Finally, he quiets down
He looks at me and sighs
Those big blue eyes fall gently shut
And he sleeps the sleep of an angel.

Sometimes, I think, he just has to cry
There's nothing I can do
Still, I do my best for him
Because he is my little angel.

-Tracy A. Dafoe
March 19, 2000

Copyright ©2000 Tracy Dafoe
All rights reserved

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