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Without You

Without you, I would be lonely,
Without you, I would be sad.

You make me feel wanted,
You make me feel whole,

As no other ever could.

You are closer to me that anyone has ever been.
You are forever entwined in my life.

I can talk to you,
As I can talk to no other

I can express my feelings,
And know you'll understand.

You know I am hurting,
Before I say a word.

You know exactly what to say,
To make me laugh

You know when I just need someone to listen,
And you are always willing to give advice when I need it.

You are the mainstay in my life,
The one thing I can depend on.

You are my best friend,
And without you, I would be nothing.

-Tracy A. Dafoe

-Tracy A. Dafoe

Copyright ©1998 Tracy Dafoe
All rights reserved

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