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For My Friends

Sitting alone in a room
Yet not without companionship.
Reaching across vast spaces,
Tapping out our hopes and dreams,
Letter by letter.
Knowing that those people, so far away,
Will understand...or at least try, which means just as much.
Dropping facades,
Removing masks,
Letting our true selves shine through...
and being accepted for who we really are.
Perhaps we are hurting...our friends, so far away,
Will comfort us.
Alone, yet being comforted...seems impossible,
Yet it happens every day...every hour.
Some will say that these relationships are superficial...but we know otherwise.
Even though many of us never have, and never will, meet face to face
We form bonds...and hope they will last forever.
Perhaps some of them will...only time will tell.
In the meantime...we will talk,
We will laugh,
We will cry.
We will be, as we are now... friends.
Perhaps one day...we will have more than we do...but then again, maybe not.
For now, we are what we are...and we cherish those we have met across time,
Across distance...
Ever stop to think that maybe, had we met in 'real' life...we wouldn't care for each other as we do now?
Ever stop to think that maybe, had we met in 'real' life...we would be the best of friends?
And maybe, just maybe...had you met someone on the net in 'real' life...maybe they would be that special someone that we are all looking for...
Maybe they are anyway...
Think....just think of the possibilities...amazing.
Anything is possible...
But for now, for this moment...I am thankful for what I have,
I am thankful for my internet all mean so much to me.
Thank you all...for being there for me...but most of all, for being the wonderful people you are.
I love you.

-Tracy A. Dafoe
May 18, 1998

-Tracy A. Dafoe

Copyright ©1998 Tracy Dafoe
All rights reserved

I wrote this one especially for my internet family....I love you all!!!!!!

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