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¿ « Ðizzypointed » ?

Hey, I'm just born
this way.

"Hello people of the resorected reason. We find our selves
congregated here today to get to the point of our lifelong
strugle. And oh what group of thrivers we have today. The
ratings are at an unbelevebly numbre folks. We have many
long since missed members with us. The Pritsones the Miggers
and the Resputes familys have al joined us here this butifle
afternon. This meeting is being broadcated via satelite and can
can be seen on both television and the internet. We have also
astablished a chatroom with meating as a discusion topic.
And now the very highlight: the point of it al." The orcestra salutes and at
the end of the final tone the answer comes.
He takes a step down from the podium and cleaves the
public Some paralysed watchers lett go of there baloons
in apathy. He opens the great oak portal and sets out across
the wastelands were the eagle gives a distant cry. The whole
sceen envokes a million tearstaned eyes and a question:

"Why" is a good question.
Questions demand an answer, and that's why I get out of bed every morning.
and I'll tell U that It's not easy to get out of bed in the morning.
¿Why? is this page so full of bull?
Becos this is the plase wear bullshit talkes and money walkes.
¿Who am I?
One way for you to make your own idea of me is for me to tell you what I like to do. www That might not be as easy as it sounds, but letts give it a shot any way.

I like to listen to music played by groups/artists like: Front 242
David Bowie
Other musical activeties I like doing are: wwwwww::
Lou Reed
Playing instuments like the bass, flute, guitar and w::
Dream Theater
keybord ocashionaly. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww::
NINe inch nails
Frank Zappa
Pink Floyd
And meny more...