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Welcome to my awsome Dragon page (still under consruction though! Sorry for the delay) Anyway I love Dragons and I find them to be the most interesting and Fascinating creatures on Earth! I myself am part Dragon, If you don't believe me than you are obviously not a true Dragon believer! It's even been proven by a Dragon test!

This is my cute Dragon that I just adopted, his name is Faranth!

And this is his twin sisiter Raelana, who I also just adopted!

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pictures by Dragon Sanctuary Come in and visit my friend Yardley's page! She is also a dragon!

pictures by WebRing Visit my WebRing Page!

pictures by BookShelf Come see my Library

pictures by DragonGallery Come see my Dragon pix!

pictures by Draconic Card Come in and see my Draconic Card! It explains all of my fav. things!

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My Fav. Dragons

  • Draco
  • The Dragon from Dragon Slayer
  • St. George's Dragon

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