~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MY BASKETBALL DIARIES QUIZ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~1) What was the name of marky Mark's band? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~2) How much did the hooker cost? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~3) How many times did Jim [Leo] say, he 'choked it'? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~4) Compleate these lines: "Nothing ______ time fly by ______, then
when your _____ and _____' ___. "
~~~~~5) "We would jump off ______ into the ______ river, which was literal-
ly ______, cause 1/2 a _______ toilets flush into it every ___. "~~~~~~~~~~~
******** E-mail me your answers: FuffyLover@hotmail.com please mark subject;
BBD QUIZ! Thanks, and good luck! ~*FL*~