*****Here are some of the winners so far:*****************************************
- Lady Juliet (for the Romeo + Juliet quiz)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Lady Juliet (for the Marvin's Room quiz) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Luna Luna (for the R+J and Leo quiz) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ~Montague~ (for the Romeo + Juliet quiz) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Bri (for the Marvin's Room quiz) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Barb Jesse (for the R+J quiz, as of Aug. 2nd) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Annie (for the R+J quiz, as of Aug. 17th) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Naomi (for the R+J quiz, as of Aug. 18th) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Naomi (for the Marvin's Room quiz, as of Aug. 18th)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Peachesmc@aol.com (for the Marvin's Room quiz, as of Aug. 26th)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Bryanna Frossen (for the Marvin's Room quiz, as of Aug. 26th)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Peachesmc@aol.com (for the Critters quiz, as of Aug. 26th)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Peachesmc@aol.com (for the Total Eclipse quiz, as of Aug. 26th)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Peachesmc@aol.com (for the What Eating Gilbert Grape quiz, as of Aug. 26th)~~~
- Peachesmc@aol.com (for the Basketball Diaries quiz, as of Aug. 26th)~~~~~~~~~
- Cate Riordan (for the R+J quiz, as of Sept. 13th)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- AbpSij@aol.com (for the WEGG quiz, as of Oct. 5th)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- AbpSij@aol.com (for the TBL quiz, as of Oct. 5th)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Conrad Johnson (for the R+J quiz, as of Oct. 30th)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Liz DiCap (for the WEGG quiz, as of Nov. 5th)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Liz DiCap (for the Marvin's Room quiz, as of Nov.17th)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Robyn Bateau (for the R+J quiz, as of Jan. 9th)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
e-mail me: fuffylover@hotmail.com