YOU'VE GOT LEO QUESTIONS? I'VE GOT LEO ANSWERS! Send me your Leo questions at please mark subject: LeoQ&A and I will for sure post the answer here! Q: What is Leo's middle name? - Tara A: His middle name is Wilhelm. It's the German version of William. His mother is German, so that may have been one of the reasons that he was named that. ~*FL*~ Q: What with your name, Fuffy Lover? - Tracy A: I actually got it from an interview with Leo. He said he was scared to do, Romeo + Juliet, cause he might look like a 'Fuffy'... I thought that, that was kind of cute, so I use it for a nick-name. ~*FL*~ Q: When is Titanic coming out? - Juliet500 A: December 19 1997. ~*FL*~ Q: Is Leo really building a house for his mom in West Virginia? - Courtney A: That's a difficulte question. I've heard these rumours too. It's very possible that Leo is HAVING a house made for his mother in WV, by I really doubt that he has the time or the skills to build a house. ~*FL*~ Q: Are you D @ N @ ? - Teresa A: Yes. My name is Dana, and on the Internet I decided to be: D @ N @. Then I read that interview with Leo, where he said he was afraid of looking, like a 'Fuffy'. I thought that was cute, and I wanted to use that name, too. Sooooooo, with things comserning, my homepage, I go by Fuffy Lover, but otherwise, you can just call me, D @ N @. ~*FL*~ (or, D @ N @ ) Please, if you have any questions on Leo, or my page, feel free to ask! ( ~*FL*~
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