TAKE MY 3rd LEONARDO QUIZ! The winner will reseave the satisfaction of being named, the biggest Leo fan in the whole world for a month! Mail me the answers, at Fuffylover@hotmail.com please mark subject: Leo Quiz#3. ~*FL*~ 1) Did Leo like, or dislike the movie, 'TRAINSPOTTING'? 2) Who did Leo ask, about doing 'TOTAL ECLIPSE'? 3) David Thewlis said that Leo took care of the kissing scenes between them, just like ________ and _______ would. 4) What month and year was Leo on the cover of 'VANITY FAIR'? 5) Why did Leo turn down, 'JAMES DEAN STORY'? (I want an exact quote, HINT: It can be found in the July issue of SEVENTEEN) There will be a new quiz every week or so. You can e-mail me your answers at FuffyLover@hotmail.com Please mark subject, LEO QUIZ#3. ~*FL*~
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