**************************TAKE MY ROMEO + JULIET QUIZ!*********************
~~~~~1) What did Mercutio's lisense plate say? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~2) Compleate these quotes: "I ____ thee, good ________; let's retire!
The day is ___, the Capels are ______ and if we meet, we shall not 'scape
a ______! For now these ___ days, are the mad _____ sturing." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~3) "Tis but thy ____ that is __ enimy, thou art _______, though not a
________, what's ________?..." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~4) "Come gentil, light, and _____ me my _____. And when I shall ___;
take ___ and cut him out, into ______ stars, and he will make the ____ of
______ so fine, that all the _____ will be in love with _____ and pay no
worship to the _____ sun."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~5) "Did my _____ ____ 'till ___? For ______ at _____, fot I never ___
true ______ 'till this _____." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
***** Please send me the answers at fuffylover@hotmail.com please mark
subject; R+J QUIZ. ~*FL*~