Welcome to Gabi's Sweet Valley Homepage!
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Now this is the best!!! Satomi's Sweet Valley Mall
Hi! Welcome to my page. Right now this page, like my others, is under
construction. But if you come another time it will be full of info and
goss on the twins and the gang!!! Bye! If you click below you can see the Sweet
Valley High lyrics as heard on the tv show or you can learn about the twins by going
to "Who's Elizabeth and Jessica?" If you want to do neither either go to my homepage
or if you also own a Sweet Valley page join the Sweet Valley Ring below started by
Satomi, a girl who has a truly excellent homepage of her own.
Press here to go HOME
Who's Elizabeth and Jessica?
Go to see theTelevision
here to see the SVH THEME SONG!!!
Email: gabi_world@yahoo.com