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Ad&d Stats

Here are the general stats for Lucifer in the Ad&d system.

Str : 22 (Stamina : 24, Muscle : 20)       Dex : 21 (Aim : 23, Balance : 19)
Int : 24 (Reason : 23, Knowledge : 25)     Wis : 25 (Intuition : 25, Willpower : 25)
Con : 25 (Health : 25, Fitness 25)         Cha : 21 (Leadership : 19, Appearance : 23)

THAC0 : -4     AC : 5(in human form), -8(in demon form)     PSP's : 887

Saving Throws:
Paralysation, Poison          Rod, Staff or wand          Petrification or
   or Death Magic                                             Polymorph
      2                               3                           5

Breath Weapon                       Spell
      7                               4

Lucifer is a level 54 wild mage/crusader/psionicist

Special Abillities:
- imune to ALL types of fire
- Infravision 120 ft (due to snake familiar)
- Move Silently (100%)
- Hide in shadows (100%)
- Hard to surprise (-2 penalty for those trying to surprise him)
Special Items:

Lucifer posses 2 magic rings, an amulet a Robe and a pair of magic Gloves. He wears these items at all times and due to this constantly radiates magic.
