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Riddlore (Good Riddendz)

Album Ratings

Riddlore ant the CV Shack crew bring heat on the latest
release Good Riddendz. This Album starts off with
a hard hittin' beat. The rest is all a riddle
enscripted code that only underground Hip Hop heads
can translate. All you Will Smith fans caution
(Please Log Out also thank you). The Stand out
tracks are "Thy Mic and Thy Staff" "Apocaliptic
Viewz" "Next Millenium" with Bus Driver "Welcome to
the Afterlife" with NGA Fish. Riddlore comes with
lyrics along with a conscience undertone, and I
quote "These Ghetos aint nothing but modern day

Don't be fooled by the low quality outer appearance
because Riddlore brings crisp lyrics throughout the
albums entirety with no real "skip it" tracks. Go
get Riddlore its a solid investment that stays in
the rotion in my CD player.

Reviewed by Jack Wagner the Axe Man (Bringing the truth)
