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Causes I Support

Causes I Support

These are some of the causes I support and each one is near and dear to my heart. The causes listed on this first page are organizations that I am actively involved in. This does not mean I do not belive in the organizations listed on the second page just as much, but unfortunantly there is only so much time in my day!
Please take the time to check out some of these organizations.

A great home for children in South Africa. I'm not even going to try and describe it here. Just please go and check this page out. Suffice to say, Thea, the head of it is one of my greatest heroes and an inspiration to us all.

I have had the privellage of donating my hair to this great cause twice now.
They make wigs for children with cancer. It trully touched my heart.

Snowflake Animal Rescue

This is an absolutely wonderful animal rescue.
All three of my cats have been adopted from Snowflake.
Please take a look at some of the wonderful animals they have up for adoption.

Heart for Romania

This is a great group that is doing so much for the people of Romania. The couple that run this organization are generouse and loving and trully inspire me.

Furr Angels

There is tons of information concerning cats and dogs here.
Plus you get the chance to sponser a pet in a shelter. A wonderful site you shoudn't miss.

Half the Sky Foundation
Half the Sky Foundation
This organization works with children in Chinese orphanages. They establish early childhood education and infant nurture programs. They offer training classes to the preschool teachers and nannies and build new centers. They change childrens lives. What better purpose is there?

More Causes I Support.