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All my goodies from the Faery Glamour Webring!

Faery Glamour Charms!
Faery Glamour Gifts
Membership Charm Welcome Charm 4th of July Charm Periwinkle from Francis Gift from D'Zone Fairy
Gift D'Zone Fairy Gift from Irish's Mother Gift from Fairy Ashling Gift from Fairy Dew Kiss Gift from Fairy Dew Kiss
Gift from Fairy Lamyla AngelStar Gift Name Here Gift Name Here Gift Name Here Gift Name Here
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About Me
Happy Things!
Card and other Virtual Things on the Net
Some great graphic links.
Games on the web.
My Good Luck Friends Society Charm Page
My Treasure Hunt Reward Page.
All the Webrings I'm a Proud Member of!
My Spirit Fairy Page
Awards I have won
Please Sign My Guestbook