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Anime Mystery Creatures: What ARE They Anyway???

Those funny little pets you see in almost all Anime. You know them, you love them. They make little noises and smile a lot. They are the cutest little things you've ever seen.

But what are they????

They look like a strange combination of a cat a rabbit, and a bird. Occasionally, you will see some monkey thrown in there. Even the anime cats are kinda funny looking. Luna and Artemis, case and point. hell yeah, they're cute. I love them and you do too. So here it is, my tribute to those cuddly, cute, unidentifiable anime creatures that seem to pop up everywhere for no apparent reason. Mokona!This is Mokona, my favourite of these cute little creatures. Mokona is from Magic Knoght Rayearth, a shoujo manga that I franky found irritating at first. But once you get past the sad-eyed Princess Emeraude, it's not that bad at all. Mokona belonged to this artisan chick in the Forest of Silence called Presea. As far as I can tell from the three issues of the manga that I have seen, Presea sent Mokona with them to guide them to some place I forgot the name of to make swords. Mokona is the cutest thingamajig in all of anime and manga, and pretty much all he says is "Pu!" which endears him to the viewer/reader all the more.
Happy MokonaTee-hee!!
How I do love Mokona. I just want a Mokona for my very own. Something to jump around and go "hug!" and "pu!" and "glitter!".....So if anyone knows a good genetic engineer, email me so maybe I can spend my life savings, to buy myself a cute little Mokona. Obsessed? I think I am.

The next little creature is not quite as cute in my book, but is every bit as undefinable. This...this... "cabbit" or whatever you want to call her is Ryoko's pet from Tenchi Muyo!
Ryoko being cute She really more resembles a cat than anything else, but not quite.Fly, Ryoko, Fly!Here she is againAnd One More Time

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