Can I be sent an e-mail or info on Troll Fenn happenings? I found no info
site to place my addy so please send me what you can or where I can go to be
updated on all your news! ( Yeah, Yeah, buy the News letter...ok how much
and where to..But I would love emails on updates.)
Thank you so much..in the Dream...
Lady Alina nic an Bhaird
(mka) Glenda Zahn
My good webmaster..I have tried three times to contact Sir William Reed using
the email link provided, and the last three times I did, a demon mailer hit
me..has he changed his addy and not notified you? Has the addy been
incorrectly submitted or written? (Am I just not bright enough to use this
site?) These questions and more haunt my every waking moment..( yes, an SCA
member with no life)
Please let me know if he has changed it and/or update the current link on the
Troll Fenn Page...It is important I get in touch with him...
Thank you for your patence....with me..LOl Glenda