Nayef Ali Al-Joulan's Home Page
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Nayef Ali Al-Joulan's Home Page

Jordanian Beduins

Thus, hidden in these pages
My thoughts shall silent lie
Till gentle fingers find them,
When idly bent to pry.
I see them fondly linger,
And quicken with their breath
The music of the singer,
Whose silence was its death
"Lines Written in an Album"
Isaac Rosenberg

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My Snial Mail: Nayef Ali Al-Joulan, PO Box: 142, Mafraq 25110, H. K. of Jordan
Last modified on August, 27th 1997
Copywrite to Nayef Ali Al-Joulan
Edited By: Rafa E. Al Qutaish . . .
If you have any suggestion or comments, please e-mail me at: