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My commentary this time around deals with a situation that saddens me greatly. After a few months of losing to Harlem Heat and the Filthy Animals, and many losses on house shows, Saturday Night, etc, it seems as though WCW is pulling the plug on the First Family. Although this lame rip-off of the original Dungeon was never memorable anyway, I'm sorry to see them killed off. They are the closest thing we have to a modern day DOD, but maybe some good will come of it. Maybe at Mayhem, we'll see Flynn gloating backstage about his "win" over Barbarian in the boiler room. Suddenly, Meng, Morrus, Barbarian, and of course Jimmy Hart could come out of nowhere and destroy him. I'm talking about a worked, forced retirement. Break his neck or something, something that will tell fans these guys are dangerous and serious as cancer. Then, they'll proceed to do the same to Knobbs. Flynn and Knobbs could resurface sometime later, repackaged, and with no harm done to there careers, while this newly reformed Dungeon would rocket into the monster heel category. They could come across as seriously vicious, evil minions and maybe win a few titles along the way. Just my thoughts. See you in seven, SPONGEY

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