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Adventure in the Canadian Bush...

A pair of nice legal 'lunge from the ol' days, when I used to keep the odd fish or two...

A new yet sort of semi spot to check out any Kool Outdoorsy related stuff from.

Thank you for dropping by to-day. Here's a little background...

I have really been totally into fishing and outdoorsy stuff ever since I was a little kid of around six or seven. Started on bullheads at my aunts camp on Crooked Lake in the well worn foothills of the Sudbury basin. Some folks call these same little dudes, mudpout. Whichever name you prefer, they are simply tasty fish to this ol' boy and still hold a special place in my heart. Well of course, the best time to fish for these bewhiskered little dudes is after dark. So of course to a very young lad way back then, that certainly spelled adventure, to me big time. Hey, a little fire burning cheerfully on the streabank beside you, and a couple of drinks and snacks close to hand. Mix in all the different sounds of nature at night all around you, add good company, and what have you got? A kid, very seriously hooked on fishing! And I do mean, hooked permanently. Those plain and simple, ugly little fish, cooked right there where you catch them, are a totally toothsome delight and without a doubt, were a very big part of why I wanted to keep going back for more of that fishin' stuff related stuff. I could catch my own fresh protien food to add to my wide plant knowledge base on practically any given survival tests I was giving myself back then. Anyway...

Moss Bossed Bassy.

Of course once the beak of that little fishin' bug had sunk into me, I couldn't get enough of it . I soon started chasing yellow perch, pumpkinseed, bluegills, rock bass and then Crappies. These "fun fish" taught me a lot about perfecting your presentation an choosing the right locations. If you want to score with fish consistantly, that is. The next fish in my young angling sights were the walleye, speckled trout, northern pike, small and large mouth bass, brown trout, rainbows and steelhead. Later muskelunge and a few salmon joined the list. Also, because I have been into Survival /back to the land stuff since childhood, there were even days when I caught and kept, cleaned, cooked, ate and enjoyed some of the little less popular species like mountain whitefish, suckers and carp. I call them my year round fish because you can fish for them anytime!! Even crayfish and bullfrogs have graced my wildfood table many times, in order to save the day and put some very tasty grub in the belly after a good days workout in the fresh air. If it swam, I fished for it anywhere I went. Now is that real fishin' or what?

Two wheelin' it, to a better life.

In the last few years I've taken up all terrain biking and find that it is an excellent way to not only get around but get some healthy exercise, have fun and some adventure as well. Most of my trips are fairly short, like 15 or 20 miles but I pack a lot of sights and sounds into them. I love just being out and about in the fresh air riding my mechanized pony through all manner of adventure and excitement. No noise, pollution, dung droppings, feedings, gas fill ups or engine repair problems. Plus I've noticed all this riding is making my whole body stronger, mostly because of the semi-aggressive way I ride this Kool Rig! Grades that used to be semi-tough hills are now almost easy. Check my biking page in the links section below if you bike or want to see what I have to say about these great little wonder machines...

The Magic of GOLD...

If you have ever dreamed of prospecting for gold way back in the bush, I'm here to say it doesn't have to be a dream anymore. Over the last two decades I have developed a very keen interest in gold prospecting. Even though there is not that much gold around here close by to speak of. The lure of gold has been as strong on me in these last twenty plus years as the pull of fishing has been on me for the last forty plus years have. The more you study it, the more you desire it. I am compiling quite a folder full of gold related data and plan to make a lot of it available soon, here on the web, with a link to it from this page, so be sure to bookmark this little Canuk spot now while you're here. :-) For now though, you could even check out some of the related links below to get a little sample perhaps, of what this modern day Prospecting stuff is about.

Bushin' it...

Another thing I did as a totally developing young teen, was I used to really spend a lot of time all alone in the woods, or just bush as I came to call it all. Adventuring is what I refered to it as back then. I hardly ever knew where I was going to end up or what I would be eating or where I would be sleeping or whatever. Every trip into the bush was a totally new and exciting experience for me. As some of you I'm sure already know, when you are armed with only a packsack, you get to realize real quick that you better bring at least some of the right gear if you want to see what you are made of and take care of yourself for real. My little pak was my main lifeline to a fairly easy week-end campout and body/mind cleanse. There would usually be some matches in various pill bottles, tin containers or whatever, about twenty five feet of good grade copper wire, an assortment of ish hooks, sinkers and some line, an Eatmore bar, my trusty hunting knife, a few packets of salt and pepper and a few feet of aluminum foil in there and or my well used tin cook can/pot recycled from a Habitant Pea soup can (large). I would challenge myself to find whatever wild foods I could and make a meal out of it right there in the bush. It really turned me on as a budding young outdoorsman, to be able to provide food and shelter for myself. I spent many entertaining winter hours in my room making and modifying various little survival kits. I learned a lot that way about being independant, positive thinking, resourceful and appreciative by testing myself like that all those wonderful times. Not very many kids do that kind of stuff to-day. Now that's a real Pity in my books. I am willing to bet that we would see a lot less troubled kids/street kids if you get all kids into this nature stuff when they are quite young. Right in elementary schools would be the way to start. No time to think about sticking studs or nails or pins or earings into your person or dying your various parts with pics or words to create a different identity for yourself. Not when you are totally out there,in the sticks, live, and constantly being kept busy exploring and discovering and learning and seeing and hearing etc as well as trying to solve a few of life's neat little mysteries provided by mother earth. What type of tree is that, friend? Are those berries edible, dude? What direction am I or are we, headed now, guy? How do you build a hoochie, man? How come insects are so strong, teach? Are fish smart or just like, super spooky? Are squirrels good to eat? Do you know how we can capture a few to add to our protien count for the day, boss? Is your knife sharp? Know how to sharpen it? ......See what I mean? No time for stupid stuff or depressing stuff or heaven forbid, pardon the expression but any shitty stuff when you are engrossed in your life in the forest or wherever you try to find yourself in the bush. You see,everything there is real and can make you or break you. Depends a whole lot on YOU. What you are made of. Who you are. What you want. What you know. What you care about. The outdoors will reveal a lot about who we really are and can and will chizel us into who we want to be as well.

Recordin' it all...

I don't know how many of you out there have children or a video camera but I have found that the two go VERY well together. That is especially true out in the bush or down by the river or lake where they are more likely to reveal thier natural tendancies which most children will exhibit at an early age, if given even half a chance. I have some priceless AV footage of my two little toddlers aged 3 and 4 learning how to hold and identify different fish that 'ol dad had just caught on their first live intro to fishin'. A season later, they're recorded actually catching, landing and unhooking their own fish, all by themselves, while tellin' us all how it was done etc. Talkative little tykes captivated by some of natures little wonders. These cool new camcorders make it really, really easy to capture all the sights and sounds that occur while you are out in the woods enjoying your life with those precious children of yours. These units record, live, the here and now at it's very peak. Moving, talking images, recorded forever because you can and want to. Make sure you always bring that camcorder when you're out with those little kiddies of yours as you never know when you will need it. When you don't bring it along, that is exactly the time that all manner of cool stuff goes down. You will be glad you packed it along in a few years, when you want to look back and see and hear all the neat stuff you did back when the children were young. Heaven knows they will grow into adults soon enough and this way you can relive it all again at any later date. Besides, they themselves just may be quite interested in that golden footage of thier formative years too, to see where they came from at various points in thier future lives.

More Life please...

Go ahead, Celebrate life a little more than usual to-day, friend. Try to really LIVE IT to-day!! Rejoice in it even...none of us know when it will come to an end for us, so let's make up for some lost time and really enjoy life more to-day on many and any or all levels. It's a beautiful day. Go out there and gobble it up. Feast on it...

Now don't forget to bookmark this little page in your Favorites, so you can find it fast next time you need another little Outdoorsy diversion and even a fresh dash of adventure from this little ol'Canadian webmaster/Survivor.

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Chill baby, life is way too short to get all freaked out all the time... :-)

A Few Kool Links

Airguns Plus!
Biking Page...
Tons o'Hot Lures
Gold Prospecting
Simply Larry
Bush Stuff Amundo!
HealthCity for You-2005
More Outdoorsy stuff...
Gold stuff
FREE Fishing Classifieds & way more...
Cool Classic Lures
Google,THE Power Searcher...
My HotWheels Diversion
Yahoo, Me Again!
Harmony with AIKIDO!!
Herbal Arts
I'm a Webaholic!

Email me ANYTIME at this addy!

Once again, thanx 4 stoppin' by and don't be shy about cruising in again, ANYTIME. Shucks, you could even send me an Email anytime, about anything Outdoorsy.

Have yourself a real good one...

Peace Out...

This little Outdoorsy flavored website built & maintained for your pleasure by LarryBourgeois, Canadian Webmaster...
Contents are Copyright (C) By LarryBourgeois 1998-2006