It was a cold, snowy day in Iraq. Secret Agents Michelle Noxon and Agent X, both working for the U.S. government, were standing outside the main meeting hall in Iraq’s capital. The president, Sudam Hussin, was due to arrive any minute for a secret meeting. Michelle and Agent X were hiding in some bushes outside.
A few minutes later, Sudam Hussin pulled up in a limo surrounded by cars with his body gaurds in them. They surrounded him as he stepped out and entered the building. As they stepped inside, Michelle and Agent X each grabbed a body gaurd in back and pulled them aside. Everyone had entered, and no one missed the two gaurds. The two agents pulled out PP7 Silencers and shot them in the head. They quickly changed into their uniforms, leaving the dead bodys laying in the snow in their pink polka-dot boxers. Silently they joined everyone in the meeting room, disguised as the president’s body gaurds.
Michelle and Agent X were shocked to see who Suddam Hussin was having a meeting with: a flock of penguins! “What the heck is going on?” they whispered. No one heard them.
“Okay. Where’s your penguin president?” A penguin wearing a bow tie stepped forward.
“Quack!” it exclaimed.
“Nice to meet you Mr. President,” Saddam Hussin said politely shaking the penguin’s flipper. “Now, does anyone have any new plots for world domination?” He turned some of his other body gaurds. “Did you find Pinky and the Brain like I ordered?”
They looked at eachother nervously. “Um, sir....Pinky and the Brain are cartoon characters.”
“Liars!” he yelled, and shot both of them. Michelle and Agent X were the only other body gaurds. The rest of them had left. Suddam asked if any penguins had some good plots for world domination. One of them raised a flipper and quacked out a bunch of gibberish. Saddam just nodded and said, “Hmm...That could work.” He turned to the secret agents. “What do you two think?”
“I think you’re a moronic idiot,” Agent X calmly replied. Michelle pulled out an assult rifle and blasted Saddam Hussin. All the penguins cheered.“Mission complete.”