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Princess Mononoke: Characters

Welcome. Here you'll find a little information about each person.

The leading girl in the movie. Her name is San, I admires her strength and stubborness. She's one of my favorites in the movie. Claire Dane (Juliet & Romeo, Mod Squad) is voice of San.

The main leading of the movie. His name is Ashitaka, he's very stubborn, too and clever. He's one of my favorites, too. His voice is done by Billy Crudup (Sleepers).

Ehh! I have no idea who he is, but Billy Bob Thronton does his voice.

A second leading woman, I'm not sure what her personitily is like. Minnie Driver does her voice.

Gillian Anderson does her voice (X-files series).

A animal that supposely control the life and the death. This animal is the most important role in the movie, it mainly focus on this animal.

Forest's spirits... they appeared and just, well, stare.

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