This pic is of me and my Cat Grey *her name's Grey-ling* But I never really decided on how I wished to spell her name.
She is one of the first litter which came from Natasha...of them were four, and they were...Chocolate, Creamy *Flame* and Pastel, but of the four...
Grey is the only which nags for attention, roams the house can still complain about.
She's a sweet thing, and I love her dearly...but she is one of the cats I have had that we had..umm...well, she can't have a litter...
and for that, she lacks so much attention that she could spend with her own kitties, and so she nags and me and my friends when they come over... torn wallpaper, and scribles where it was...well...all I can say is, we were all children once... :) )(Mom still complains about it to this very day...)(
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}{I have a few more of the litter when they were young, I'll post them someday...}{